Cod2 smoke question

Havent played cod for a while and was wondering whats going on with smoke grenades atm.

First game back was like "huh. my smokes got a delay now whats that about" and then the second game we played smoke was disabled on the server and we got told that it was removed from competition and noone used it anymore.

I got the whole lame smoke lag bug thing(and the delay on the grenades as a fix), just not sure whats happening in terms of the cod2 community as to whether smoke is supposed to be used or not. And if its not being used is that a temporary thing or are they gonna bring it back at some point when/if it gets fixed enough.
whats the cod2 main-community?
smoke has been deleted, from CB/ESL/ any other league, and the most pubs. only some pubs use it. It won't come back
They are removed from some leagues and not from other, they were included in WSVG and generally they are still used in north america, but europe has pretty much (not 100%) gotten rid of them.
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