CPC 2 - Schedule


where can i find the schedule of cpc2? i want to have a look at it since cdc3 will maybe have a similar timetable

ask perfo
ask chammpi
ask crittiE
ask vAurien
image: je-voudrais-une-royale-avec-frommage
ask al7

where is he btw :S

didnt see him in my channel for 3 weeks now :S
he's on vacation for 2 months or so
speaking of food, the food at the cinestar complex was horrible.
not that bad imo, just the prices were horrible.
the waitress at the Italian restaurant made up for it
the timetable will be useless as many matches were delayed up to 4 - 5 hours. Finales were over on Sunday 18:00.
4-5 hours is something of an exaggeration my friend, we finished just 1 hour late on Friday. Saturday was eventually finished 2 hours behind and Sunday was similar.

Not sure where you found those numbers from!

As for Florian, if you want it you can message me on iRC on Monday when im back from Lisbon
well maybe not 5 hours, but it felt like 3 hours to me :P
And I know that it wasn't the organisation's fault, but rather problems caused by some players.
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