Sick of Lagging HD movies...?

then I maybe do have a solution for you guys.

Since i didnt find any site with proper streams, or at least streams where you can read who fraggs who, i tried to create a streaming system myself.

So no, i dont want to be a second or something like that, I just want to provide high quality streams (if you can call flash streams high quality, if there is another solution except flash, dont wait, pm me and explain it to me), so everybody has a chance to see the movies without lags and with watchable Picture Quality.

As I mentioned above, I will not host that many movies, only some special ones and ofc some funny ones.

Featured Streams:

Uv Movies:
Decimated vHQ
Zaigon vHQ
Heroine MQ

Silent Hill vHQ
Ultraviolet The Movie vHQ
Welcome to Hell ( Doom3 Teaser ) vHQ

ET Movies:
Welcome to ET HQ
Knifed MQ
R3 Trailer MQ
R3 Trailer HQ
Chirstmas ET HQ
Just Make a Run MQ
ET Lesson 1 HQ
Winghaven out of the way 2 (by user request) HQ

Quake Movies:
Get Quaked 3 HQ
Castor Fiber HQ
Cattuthaj jhana HQ
Speed Trial HQ
Mercurial HQ

A little sidenote:
Those streames are HQ and not under 640by480 so you need at least 30 kbs down to run them. Also note that this is just a first start and i dont know what the server can offer (bandwith).

Anyways, i would appreciate it if you leave a comment on quality and watching experience.

Known issues:
No Opera support at this time!

Streaming site:

Have a nice evening.
s33mZ kuL
omg he is still alive!
I can host a few vids if you need it :)
hahaha YOU WISH! its just as easy to remove it as it was to add it you bit ch <3
come play some css you bitch
server etc LolOLoLOlOloLol
LOOOOOLz MSN?! first need a smoke tho!
well i have unlimited traffic thats not the prob. but yeah, i would like to max it out. so if you can host a stream up to 500 or 600 megs that would be nice (720p)
quicktime can stream HD x264 (.m4v / .mov)
but I guess that would lag also
Stage6 streams are very good in my opinion. here's an example:

Unity at Stage6

DivX WebPlayer is required afaik
is that pub? i mean is there a way to create those streams myself?

you got any experience in that?
i guess it's public, there's the "join" button in upper-right corner
seems like you can only publish them on their site, and thats not what i wanted to have :)

thx anyways
i think you can make those streams but it seems videos must be encoded with divx codec
thats np with the divx codec, but i think i am not able / allowed to host them on my site, while NOT hosting them on stage 6
<3 wrote a new interface for that stuff tonight. Will post when an update is avi.

divx is way smoother without quality loss
hi, im the one that posted the rtcw videos you have put. If you want em to upload more just ask. i will start uploading more et, quake and probably cod ones soon.
cool, pretty nice, just hand me the links over then, ill add them <3
i cant actualy view it.
that helps ... :(
I click "Video Streams" and then AlL Movies and nothing shows there-after

(Does it with all links)
be sure to have flash installed. (can you visit youtube?)
Yes i can... i have latest version too :)
ok, firefox? and no video interface at all?

ill try to figure out why. thx for the report
Opera, last V from latest, video drivers updated etc

You can sort of see it, but its faint as and needs a good eye to spot it
ya, there is no opera support by now. ill see that i can fix that
not working with opera :[
idd, this issues is known yet.

what you get, only black screen, or no interface at all?
Get Quaked 3 HQ

Just saw "Out of the way 2", how nice is that movie plz? god damnit o_O'
Oh thank you : )
Doesn't work in Safari.

Also, it lacks the fullscreen option.
I like, I can see a gun and engi, very nice.
opera is not yet supported!
but opera > *
so I dont understand how can it be that it aint supported yet :l
i have exactly 0.2% opera users . So i never cared about them.

thats why its not supported
seems that they all seem to popup just now then.
and ill find a way to support them!
nice Hannes
wow, until this journal I didnt realise so many people are using opera :o
there are like only a few people here using opera :[]
me too!

opera > *
add ph33r.avi ;!
Seems to work fine so far, the little I've tested.

I'd work on the colors of the video selection. Now it's a bit difficult to read, with so little contrast between the colors:
image: temp
thx, but those flash streams are outdated. Workin on the backend and code for the new streams.

But thx for your report, appreciated!
Very very nice ;)
ill talk to you later about your pm on irc. Recoding the whole thingy atm.
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