Rasmussen out of Tour.

The Rabobank team has put their own rider Michael Rasmussen out of the Tour because he supposedly would have broken the internal rules of the team.

It's not sure whether the rest of the team will continue the Tour de France.

More information will come tonight.


It turns out that instead of training in Mexico, as he said to the UCI Anti-Doping testers, he has trained in Italy for over a month. There's is still no real proof of Rasmussen using doping but one can surely ask why would you lie about your training location.

I guess we'll never know...

L'équipe Rabobank a décidé mercredi soir de retirer immédiatement de la Grande Boucle le Danois Michael Rasmussen. Mis en cause pour avoir manqué plusieurs contrôles inopinés avant le début de l'épreuve, il avait consolidé son maillot jaune le jour même en remportant la 16e étape au Col d'Aubisque. Le Maillot Jaune devrait revenir à Alberto Contador. Le Tour de France est plus que jamais dans le chaos.

french roxx.
Weird news, sucks.
c'est vrai, for real, echt ?
right decision
Tour de Cheats.....should be banned on TV
So... Is there actually anyone left? :s From what I hear there's some ppl who've used forbidden stuff?
Who is the best now ?
Contador, as the french article says
fucking hackers
haha cycling
so ridiculous.
LOL more cheaters
Wow, will anyone be left by the time they get to Paris? :<

(The Cofidis team is also out after Moreni tested positive.)
"Boefje on 24/07/07, 18:51:29 Del | Edit | Reply

50 years ago the best cycler won the Tour de France. Nowadays the best cycler who manages to hide his usage of doping wins the Tour."

/bind j "Boefje: Chinese has always seen the world in widescreen"

Thanks boefje <3
You're welcome <3
But I made a grammar mistake. It's supposed to be: "Chinese have". Hope you can fix that ;-)
brb, going to win tour de france
dont forget the epo !!!
A statement
To everbody
Easy to
Tell you,
who cares about cycling :/

more "cheaters" than in ET
Perhaps that's exactly the reason why it is so popular among ETPlayers!
i like it
this tour de france is such a joke! they should cancel the whole tour now.
Haha, I told you he dopes. And don't come telling me he doesn't, cos if he didn't this wouldn't happen.
It turns out that instead of training in Mexico, as he said to the UCI Anti-Doping testers, he has trained in Italy for over a month. There's is still no real proof of Rasmussen using doping but one can surely ask why would you lie about your training location.
rofl please,dont say "i knew it,rasmussen busted!" as far as i see,there is no proofs of doping yet,he just left the tour.

ofc he dopes (imo) but they still didn't find anything,just suspicion ... L.Armstrong ?
I didn't say he got busted. I said "told you guys he doped".
gg easybash
Sad day for cycling :<. And a shame for the rest of the rabo team who worked really hard the last few days.
omfg rabobank fcking noobs plz die k thnx
Why would you hold on to a rider who is more likely to be thrown of his bike by a French moron than to finish in Paris. The facts about him staying in Italy and lying to the Rabobank team and the UCI would have come out anyway and the French press and other press teams would've just verbally killed Rasmussen and of course also the Rabobank team.

This is pure self preservation and I think it's a good move by de Rooy.
Evans is going to win the Tour !!!

Contador will loose easily 2 minutes in the time trials. Moehahaha.

And Soler wins the polka dot jersey <33333
hahaha go Predictor Lotto xD
I feel a bit sad for Boogerd and Dekker atm, u know. They really drove a fenomenal Tour, and for what...
Yeh idd... Boogerd said that he was "compleet stuk".
Must be very sad :<
I hope the dokter had some glue, cant be healthy.
i said it last week already that he dopes
haha the tour is getting better and better every day
Sad, they should have thrown him out before the tour.
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