Kyot0 searching a team :O

Poland naga is looking for a team (CDC teams are of his preference)

Some stuff about this tard:

Skill: high
Ego: even higher
Fakenick (which you probably hate / accused of hacking many times): Kyot0

Although you guys might not know the teams he has played in, you certainly know the guys he has played with.
Link to his profile:
What's more he was a backup for team Poland in the recently finised WorldCup

He's a fucking no-life... (preferably from 19 CET to 23 CET)

Ligual abilities:
Poland polish - excellent (he's polish, isn't he)
United Kingdom english - he has got an A grade in his CAE test (Certificate of Advanced English)
France french - beginner (started learning this summer)
Japan japanese - doesn't speak it at all but he knows both the hiragana and katakana alphabet

You can find him at: or PM him on CF

NOTICE: He's going to the seaside on holiday on 28.07.2007 and he's coming back either on 10.08.2007 or 18.08.2007!
Forum imo, btw Lingual*
I just posted it for him :)
rofl uahhhhhhh
do it for me as well xD
Lol, if he's too lazy to do it himself, that's already a bad point :P
Ligual abilities
he uses lowsens?
now that you posted instead of him im pretty sure someone will think about it to take this guy in his team
do you provide his aim aswell?
yawn him
youniks plz call newspaper and post your friend's car for sale and watch him receive calls :>
You know I had this theory that if you have someone else post your advertisement you'll get rid of most of the crappy flame you fucktards write.

And I was right, I don't have a typical flame as a response. I have a one of a kind flame. It's such an ego boost for me.
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