26 Jul 2007, 01:10
20 hours later it becomes true
Getting kicked by ur own team
I lol'd !
Cofidis also /quit
cycling > ET
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
Mongolian-Armwrestling > Pro-Cyling imo !
Rabobank must have seen evidence, like flighttickets or something like that. If not, they better have someone else who said the same. And if it is so, TELL IT TO THE PUBLIC. Its so fucking frustrating that everyone is covering up for everyone all the time. How on earth are cycling ever gonna get dopingfree, if people don't start talking. Fuck those who admit doping, but won't give up names on others. Get it out in the open, so riders and doctors can be named and judged.
WAH! What a fucked up race/sport.
And now Contador, student of Manolo Saiz, banned from tdf last year due to the Fuentes case and the only one who could follow Rasmussen this year, is gonna win. What a joke.