Cleaning a qpad..

Morning all,

According to Hellknight his tutorial the best way to clean your mousepad is by putting it into the washing machine. Yesterday evening I went to bed and I started thinking about that, and I'm about to try it, but I'd like to know if its riskfree? Therefore I'd like to ask if anyone else in this community has already cleaned his qpad (Medium Sens 4mm) in his or her washing machine. If yes, how did it work out?

Thanks in advance,


PS: I already tried to contact an admin @ #QPAD but they aren't responding for 2 days already.
ask Sweden Kinte

-> #vpclan
He's the one that aint responding huhu
no, it wont work out well
washing machine worked perfect here
you don't need a good pad to play poker :s
I washed a snowpad once and that worked out fine, but I doubt if a qpad will like it as much. It has a different kind of coating and I'm not so sure if that likes the chemicals in a washing machine compared with at least 30 degrees water.

Why don't you send a mail to qpad and ask?
If you're too afraid, just let some water run onto it or sweep over it with a wet towel or something.
I'd be careful with Qpads. Afaik they aren't real cloth pads, because they have some kind of plastic coating. This could be damaged in the washing machine. If you want to be on the safe side, just use a damp cloth to clean your Qpad.
wash it with 90°C and you'll get an upgrade to Qpad UltraHighsens
yeah 5;5 cm ;D
Qpad Danonic Edition?
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