porsche is rulez (ger)


Greenpeace demonstrating in front of a Porsche factory saying Porsche builds "Klimaschweine" (climatepigs). But no one messes with Porsche's business, particularly not Greenpeace... :D
porsche suxs
Porsche ist ein hässliches Proletenauto.
not clicking any german link
u can trust this one. just dont click links of hummel and co :D
it's not like I understand it or anything

did porche kick someone in the face or what?
no its just porsche wasnt scared and did like "attack is the best defense"

they jus pwned the guys of greenpeace xD
2long2write srz
greenpeace complained about the cayenne and its co² emissions. therefore porsche searched some facts that they are not this and hang them on their walls of the factories. and the greenpeace also called the cars "climatepigs" and so they build cars which look like pigs and called then "Klimaschweine" (german word for climatepigs)
haha :D so gut
srsly those greenpeace faggots need to jump in an oven
wow and people say i dont have a life... holy christ
bei uns waren mal vor ein paar jahren so greenpeace leute in der stadthalle und haben uns alles über die umwelt und so weiter erzählt, am ende durften alle schüler mal fragen stellen und einer fragte "warum erzählt ihr die ganze zeit was von energiesparen und habt die rollos komplett runter und das licht an?"

das gab nen gelächter :D
haha xD
btw did greenpeace drive the car there? HMMMM.
hypocrits ahoy
I thought another streetracer journal Xu
translation plz
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