soundcard? problem...

quite recently my left earphone has been going dead silent, if i push it to my ear i can hear the sound, music for example, but at the same time the right earphone is working perfectly...

now its not the headset because ive put them into both my tv and stereo hi-fi and the left and right earphones work as they should... now to fix it usually i just turn off my computer and cut off the power supply, as a simple reboot doesnt work... ive even tried unplugging the things out of the sockets at the back of the pc to no success...

the earphone usually cuts out/goes quiet when i for example am watching videos on the internet (browser videos - myvideo, youtube, pornotube etc.) or even when im on ventrilo and someone is talking - happened with both olbaa and duke last night... when they dont talk it was fine, but then after 5~ minutes of talking the left earphone cuts out again...

if anyone knows what the hell is going on, it would be appreciated, ta
broken headset?
its not the headset, as i said :\
Quotenow its not the headset because ive put them into both my tv and stereo hi-fi and the left and right earphones work as they should...
wires of the headset or wires inside the tower?
hmmm reinstall audio card driver or open the pc and take your audio card out and put it again
Ye, have the same thing with my microphone, nobody can hear me clearly but my headset is just fine...

I guess it's the soundcard =o[
cant be, it happened with my last headset too :(
ive had this loads of times, but i just bought new headphones :x

cable broken
explain further?
just luck that it works on ur television etc, try moving a bit with the cable ull see it will change ur sound... had it 1000's of times
its not luck, lol... ive done it like 3 times to make sure of that
THE , not D , PLZ
nils had that, turned out it was his soundcard that was cracked in half, you might wanna have a look at that one!
yeh he probably snapped it on purpose. hoping it would enhance sounds! so that he could hear footsteps from the entire map!
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