Portuguese Server Hacked

image: sapoyk4

This used to be Sapo Server (Public Server) two cheaters hacked the server and change is name!

OH NOES!!! ET is dead!!!!!

oh noes!
some achievement
having clientsplitthack and filling up servers is cooler
some retarded admins still do that in cod2, fuck i hate it
this has happened to me 2 times in et. Loads of clients connect named just random numbers and letters and they are like in loading map status so you can't kick them, after about 2 mins they start to drop out one after one but then there is new ones to replace them and making the server unuseable for further wars(this happened when we owned some unhumanized hackers and one time from some random noobs).
rofl nothing special :-)
just google for it. Won't post it here^^
there are some spammer's for vent and ts too :-)
*C imo
2.60 server or 2.60b ?
die haxors
I lol'd if you look at their site you can see "Hacking servers is illegal and we do not support it" gg :DDD
its a old screenshot :)
No is not. it have 30 minutes ;)

They already change the name into sapo again. But was hacked anyway xD
mm... :D though it was longtime ago, because its not the 1st time that it happens :D
rename your server.cfg imo :P
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