bio's admin sucks

was kicked from Bio from admin gS Kevlar, coz i wrote "admin sucks"
and i wrote it, coz he loaded the maps he wanted himself:
oasis instead of radar :( , battery!!!

Can anybody kick this admin i play on the server pretty long neved seen such a nub admin.
This guy really likes to kick, 2 days ago we played against his clan and him grush and after they kicked us. ---> this guy is really ill of "to kick somebody"


he sucks thats all u should know

and ye he sucks, but its his server, so what should u do against that ?
hes allowed to do anything he want to
he wasnt admin before, how such a retard got admin of the bio servers?
he fucked himself up
where the fuck should i know that from :P

gS = german stormtroppers or what ?
gS = goon squad, mainly UK clan.
kevlar suxx realy noob
personal hostility!
no bi0 4 u anymore :O)
he said he was changin maps like a week ago, so....
and what about kicks?
I don't get it I mean i've never had problems with the bio admins ever i'm sure you don't understand their intentions or doing something to piss them off.
i just wanna play radar :) if it comes on the map circle and i dont wanna be kicked only coz i wrote "admin sucks"
btw as i played admin kicked about 5 players in 1 hour, and that not only spectators
so, erm, CARE ?
they are allowed to kick everyone who's fucking upsetting them
and u cant be suprised, beeing kicked cos of saying 'admin sucks'
i sad it not just for fun, other players were not happy about admins decision to play battery
But who cares about other players?
He's the admin, he choose (chooses? Sounds fuckin' stupid.).
If he wants to play Battery, and is an asshole, who's not thinking about players, why shouldn't he play it then ?
yes, u said it! :)
Bio should not have asshole admins
It's said plz. :P
Is he in BIO btw ?
corrected :p
dont know if he is in bio (u mean on bio?)
I mean if he's in the BIO clan.
no he is in gS clan
german stormtroppers?
dont know, i only know gS as GoonSquad or something
ure playing on bio :P ?
no but I played there the other day
kk. Are you looking forward to quit ET 'cos of QW ?
I got a beta key but I don't even play it, game sucks at this moment in time and it really doesn't appeal to me that much with vehicles.
good boy :P
There are a lot of PGs who will quit ET cos of this fucking game :/
Really don't get, how someone can switch from ET to BF3.

RTCW2 will probably be an exit for me (if I'm still playing at this time).

ET is somehow dying :S and summer does everything even worse :/
last summer Hummel told me the same, and i was shocked :D
but u see one more year it was played like always, just with a little more cheaters.
Let's hope the best :/
I always said ET is not dying.
But stupid QW is destroying everything :/
they never give you any problems because they simple bum lick you tbh...
kevlar wont kick you, ever...
Bring back ekkhorn as bio admin. I havent been playing mutch late lately atleast not bio but the times i have kevlar only kicked/banned obvious retards and by that i mean 360 aimbots
ahahahahahahahahaha this is fuckin pathetic " I WANT TO PLAY RADAR " go get a tissue and dry those fuckin tears.
ahahahaha i lol about ur topic its so funneh

i think kevlar is the one who is QQ'ing
his money his maps! ;)
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