gn8 again cF have a good night

here i am to tell u again, that im gonna go to sleep now. its 05:13 and i had too much rl again tonight (alcohol). u hope i wont be addicted to alcohol this holidays :)

gn8 my meights

greetz to heidenreich - i dunno for what... maybe because he might have the same i-pod then me ( or than me, dunno right now)

greetZ to rEAz... cause he PWNZ and im still up to watch some random GTA San Andreas Vids.. THIS PWNZ REALLY

it pwnZ

"good night - good fight"
gn8 gintje and btw why i dont get a shoutout anytime all the time heidi
better r'TARD

k now im off

cya on cybergames
you could write , he owned today on gmc ettv baserace cup !11 ezibash
120 h$
good night homie
I'm off to bed as well, just downloaded some 60 new House & Electro tunes so I can go to sleep happy as a sitting duck !
nice bragging that you are drinkin alcohol
i kn0w im c00l
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