A little help

Hi im back from vacation so its time to buy a new computer. I got around 1000 ecu's so i think 1000 is the target. I need it be with screen ( dont care as long as it doesnt ghost :< ). Need help! Pm me / link here or have a nice confo with my on irc. Nick = Aeq
I got more soz
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 is probably "the" processor to pick at the moment. Four cores can't be wrong for 250 euros. For gaming purposes only I might consider some fast dualcore as well: four cores aren't much of a use, if the application doesn't support them.

Noctua Noctua NH-U12F seems to be one of the best CPU coolers around.

For a motherboard, I'd pick either some Asus P5K-board or Abit IP35. Both lines have mobos from 130 to 200+ euros, and both are based on the new 'Bearlake' chipset released this summer (watch out for the two infidels below with old P965 chipsets!).

If you're planning to overclock, go for the fastest memories from a known manufacturer you can afford. If not, the manufacturer doesn't really matter. I'd get at least 2 gigs of 800 MHz DDR2.

As for the graphics card, I'd get GeForce 8800 GTS. If you want a budget alternative, that's Ati Radeon X1950 Pro at the moment. It sells for like 130 euros, next to nothing.

For HD's, I'd get one 150 GB (or 74 GB, these babies don't come cheap) WD Raptor as a bootdisk, and some additional disk(s). Most likely Samsung T166 or WD Caviar SE16. Go for the AAKS-models on the last two ones, with big platters.

Case and power? Take a case you like. Choose a power supply one from a known manufacturer, with enough output. 450W and above. Corsair HX520W should be enough.

All the prices above are Finnish averages, you'll probably get a lot cheaper deals in central Europe...
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