new cpu=clean windows installation?

hello people of the internets

k so now they sell the 939 again here im planning on upgrading to an 64 x2 4400+
stuck w/ an 3500+ 64 now:)

does this require a clean windows installation? or can i just take out the 3500.. replace it by the 4400 x2 and still be able to use the dualcore shit w/o a clean/new w/e windows installation?

oh ya.. windows xp pro sp2 :)
dfi lanparty ut nf4 sli-d

Just boot up on your windows xp cd, and choose repair. Or, now that i re-read your post. It should work without doing anything.
No, just change the cpu. The bios will do the rest.
as Olly said :)
go 775!

i thought intel is better now?
pumu, ofc intel c2d is lot better ;) situation is same old p4 vs a64 but this time intel is better
But AMD is a lot cheaper, so it doesn't really matter all that much tbfh!
c2d 4300 is about 100e with cooler so that aint expensive at imo
It's shit though, why "save money" on a cut down version when for a little bit more you can lots more performance! I've got a e6320 btw!
but you can always overclock 4300 crazy amount
i had a lot of problems after i upgraded from singlecore to dualcore.

i would suggest a clean windows installation.

*edit: but at least you can test it before you format
When I always put new hardware in, I do a fresh install. In the long run, it can bring up less problems with conflicting problems between hardware and software.
single core -> multicore... make sure in device manager -> computer -> your computer is 'acpi multiprocessor' after upgrading.
you know too much to be still alive
dont you know at abort is combination of perfo and overdrive but he has been hiding!
AMD 64 X2 6000+ = better than E6600 and 50 euros cheaper, buy it.
Wrong socket.
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