Harry Potter movie

Is it any good? I'm going to see it today and i wonder if i can get through it while being sober.

opinions please.
u can wank on emma watson like the rest of the world if u dont like it
Get drunk and scream in the cinema =D
my girlfriend would set my house on fire if i did that to her :p
the movie is awesome esp the part where voldermort kills em all then has sex with a house elf
It's not bad.
But better see Transformers or The Simpsons tbh :P
HP sux, but the rest i second!
you're buying tickets THEN asking if its good :o
It's ok tbh.
tbh i didnt enjoy the movie.. all the others are better
its a awesome movie, should see it
i didnt like it , i almost fell asleep :'(
didnt like it, was like nothing actually happened :x
its ok but books > movies
btw better watch simpsons.....
i believe that they could do a better work, and the lenght of the movie is sooooo short, only 129 mins. Too many scenes, and the Dumbledores act is so shit. it should be wise , old , that one is pure opposite of the one in the book.. goblet of fire over all
it was a bit disappointing, neither exciting nor especially funny
I am not a big fan of harry potter, but still was disapointed by this movie. e.g. the fighting scene between voldemort and dumbledoor is kinda weak.
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