To all the guys of premier in SC


Just forfeit your matches against ae imo, playing with jetro jesus.
Better a correct cup with a 3rd place than a corrupt cup with the 1st place.

oh yeah, rhand doesnt want to ban him ;<

(23:32:13) ([CB]Rhand) anyway, kheb een beslissing genome en kga der nie 3 uur later op terugkomen hoe jammer da gij da ook vindt
(23:32:42) (kiss) ge vond het dus ok da ze me jetro speelde
(23:32:43) (kiss) gG
(23:33:13) ([CB]Rhand) nee
(23:33:31) ([CB]Rhand) khad gewoon geen zin om nog een wildcard match te moete zien
(23:33:37) ([CB]Rhand) en tacky had er geen probleem mee
(23:34:00) ([CB]Rhand) hell, zelfs bulld0g vond het ok om tege 2 spelers te spele die hem vanmorgen eeft aangevraagd om te banne

in english: rhand didnt see a problem with jetro playing, however he knows jetro has been busted
couldnt agree more
dont be a sad panda
:o wheres your smiley :~/
admin pm KeepUsingIt ban
Even if I'm not an aestas-fan, I do hope they're not so stupid themselves to keep playing like this. Maybe this was just an emergency option becuz Jetro and skeiz got busted in a short period.

If they would use one of them again, they're just idiots.
kiss your becoming retarded, rhand nor bulldog can do anything about it, whine more
Mate, as it is rhand his cup, he can break some rules.
Just do it then ffs.
by breaking the rules, other conflicts will follow
sure, cuz cheates always win :=).

Actually why dont I cheat, nP in this community.
I get a new network (wireless np) remove my etkey and spoof an etpro guid. Yes!
only stupid people get busted
Ban that aestas clan from playing any cups/leauges. Playing with several known/busted cheaters is really something to be proud of. Probably some bunch of kids looking for attention.
"welcome to ET"
blame rhand !
and you still think we will keep on playing? The kooks - naive
LOL jetro isn't yet busted on CB, and he didn't cheated vs tacky :x
so aestas has no mistakes in here !

only CB for not banning jetor yet, en jetro for trying cheatz in the past

Remember Worm and Alvo are "lanproof"
Where did I mention that Worm or Alvo would be cheaters?
some people mentioned above aestas are a bunch of little kids + nolife geeks who want some attention..
By this comment, I just wanted to show Worm and alvo aren't.. Same as the majority of the other
You know what, kiss, make a "better" Summercup instead of all the whine, that'll solve the WHOOOOOLE problem.
That's too much work, whining is a lot easier.
Yo, ET-cup and #1day-cup are eZ as well !
Whining on unjustified stuff is normal and allowed.
1day-cup is easy as hell to organise. And since 2 of your 3 ET-Cups were 1day-cups, nothing difficult there.

And organising a cup with 16 teams in June is once again a lot easier than organising a cup with 100 teams in the Summer.
Tell me the difficulty? Really tell me, don't say the inactivity , because if the teams want, they can make it fail.Kicking cheaters seems to difficult.

+ you can say #1day-cup and #et-cup are ez. Well imo, that cups keep ET alive, and not what you say, 1 summercup.
Quote me where I said my Cup keeps ET alive.
Nowhere, but one cup , who needs alot of work (spread on different days) isnt better than a cup who is, according to you ez to organise.
Never said that. I'm just talking about the logistical sides of the Cups.
When you answer on
Quote by vindicator Kiss, why dont you host an own cup?
That that is too much work, and whining is easier, you say your cup needs more energy. But I guess all the #et-cups and #1day-cups that are held on one year, need alot more time.
That's still about the logistical side of the cup. Never talked about the prestige.

But anyway, since Im also recently a CB Ladder supervisor it might be that I mix both of them up. Let's just drop it.
Yo, ET-cup and #1day-cup are eZ as well !
he's not banned and he won't be banned, it's not like you can stop him from playing
Rhand is the supervisor. he could just tell everybody he cant play but whats he doing? right, nothing. Actually I would ban the whole clan if i was him
i would kill myself if i was him
jaartje te laat jongen ;D
Las het nu pas :D
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