Etpro guid :|

Hi there's something really weird with my etpro guid:
I got a new computer on the 27th (with vista if thats relevant), and copied across my ET from my laptop (so my pbguid would remain the same). I then checked yawn after a few days, and it came up with:

It seems my computer/ET in all its glory chose a etpro guid that is shared by loads of other people, really strange, so many different pbguids with the same etpro guid. I don't suppose anyone knows anthing about this? Why this has happened etc...

I know you can't change a etpro guid (unless there's a guidspoofer involved), so there's really nothing I can do about this... but still... what the fuck.
nice selfbust
haha this really sucks :D
yeah etpro doesnt calculate a different guid for vista / 98 users because it doesnt have the instructions to do so based on those OS's basically
I see, damnit. Thanks for the explanation, it isn't so much a problem in playing but its a huge pain in the ass getting called a hacker in every other game because some wise guy has yawned me. Perhaps I could get a guidspoofer and spoof my old etpro guid, or would I be banned for that? :D
if you have an undetected spoofer you wont

i cant even spoof an etpro guid mine just stays empty, THATS annoying!
hamachi is the solution for you!
happaned to me after installed hamachi =D

just use guid spoofer LOL
hi griim!
hey j0kez! :D
ask your self that
yep, as you can see
i dont think you are human you prolly mechine, must be !
I have the same thing and still some retarded that think this is cheat :]
then we need to kill you,

but how you killl the one who dont have life
life is the opposite of you lol

fucking zerg rush nub
look @ mirror, and think the opposite
Vista and ET don't work here together.
Vista pwnz every normal computer..
Ugly and demands Skyhigh settings....
Screw Bill Gates ..
"ETPro GUIDs are not reliable and should not be used."

Kind of ironic that people have to use GUID spoofers to prove that they don't cheat. :P
Hi griim :O)
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