Mid-School Hip Hop

Check this out :)
Hip Hop as its best

VLS 12" reggie capers - suspect 1997.rar

For hiphopers only :)
Check the album the cronic 2 and then talk ;)
You mean chronic from Dre ?
Since when this is hip hop ? :s
chronic =! chronic 2001
Anyway, since when Dre is making hip hop ? :)
man c'mon you must be feeling some old school dre. and still dre is a classic
Well tbh, Dre is banned from my list since he's producing so much crap since years

Dre is for clubs, not for oldschoolers :s
it's still hip-hop :/ and def. better than the most shit from nowadays
Just because you don't know all underground shit that came out in 91-99

Honestly I don't listen to everything that came out after 2000
well, i can just say that u're missing some good stuff. YES there's still some quality hiphop nowadays. but i guess u're just to gangsta to realise it. keep on playing the old skooler ;)
I just stay oldskooler because I love it :)
I'm not even sure if you know any oldschool songs

Listen to mine that I just gave you. Imagine that this song came out in 1997. Reggie was far better than Dre at this time but he had not big industry support as Dre had. Just because hip hop is for rhymesayers, not to make people dance in clubs
i never put down any songs or anything you listen to. (i didn't even have a look @ the file). i'm also not saying that dre is the best hiphoper or whatsoever. what i mean is, that there different "styles" and purposes of hip hop. on the one hand u have the serious rappers, that want to point out their problemes and the problemes of the usually black community, raising up in the ghetto etc. on the other hand u have the rappers that want to give their fans/the black community the hope for a better live, or simply make songs that let them escape from their reality for a few minutes and let them dream. and then there's ofcourse the low quality hiphop made for pure commercial reasons.
and IMO "2001" is a mixture of the last two, but has stille good rhymes, flows and beats.

(i couldn't actually express what i mean as i wanted to, but i hope u get it ^^)

and if u actually don't listen to any newer hiphop (what i don't beleive you) have a try on talib kweli/common/mos def as a start.

oh and btw, trust me, i do know oldschool songs
You wrote a long comment must be true.
(i havent read anyway)

i conclude u don't give a bloody fuck about hiphop ^^
Well The 3 you said are OK but not agree on newcomers :p

Common, I've got his first songs, when he was dissed by Ice Cube, they're still dope as hell, it was in 1994! Newcomers ? :p
Just check "bitch in yoo" from common, you'll see that in 1994 he was even better than nowadays, but his style is different now

Anyway, what common is doing nowadays is not trully hip hop, he turned out a bit more into soul with smooth rhymes. Talib kweli is about the same.

Well you had a point, i'm a common fan :p
i also prefere their old stuff, what doesn't mean they're wack nowadays(i was a bit dissapointed by "Ear Drum").
Blackstar is my fav kweli/mos def album ^^
Personnally I don't have any prefered album, or if I had to say one, I'd probably say :
A+ - The latchkey child

He had 13 y/o at the time of the album came out. And I don't have to tell what the business has done to him.

My prefered songs are from vinyls :]
i didn'T mean my overall fav album. just by talib (together with mos def as Blackstar)
Anyway, blackstar is from 1998, you've got a bit of oldschooler in your heart :D
Talk big like you want, when still dre comes in the club you are the first mutherfucker that nods the head on the beat ...

And when you go to clubs, you also nods the head on gay music. It doesn't make you love this music aight ?
Maybe you nod to gay music not me, you dont like big L too?
I love big L, specially when he was in NOTS ( AG fan :) )
k then I presume you know some shit about hiphop ;]
Well I've mistaken, it was DITC :)

My friends are true oldschoolers, they've got some precious vinyls, like sparrow, one deep, 1000$ each on ebay nowadays :)

BTW, they're not niggaz, just hip hop lovers :]

Can give you some nice blogspots if you like old school vinyls
Tbh I only like Big L and gangstarr from oldschool :D I like the punchlines of the rap now adays. Listen to cassidy or papoose or some game freestyles. Or canibus even ;]
I liked old canibus style :p

But I really like old instrumentals :)
kal & syto @ writing Harry Potter 10 on crossfire
gotta get the 7th in german first, soz
nP , hp suz anyway
thx mate :)

anyway gang starr ftw :d
idd gangstarr leet only
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