books plz

can somebody advice me some good books smth like Terry Pratchett?
What is your favorite book from him? :) i need to download some in .pdb
omfg! don't read books soz ;(
tom clancy bookds
i got lots of them =D
i dont think his books like TP :) i have some Clancys but i dont like it :P
Max Frisch - Andorra... sucks ;)
i cant buy, i am storing money on new computer (old burned, xcept mouse, keyboard, monitor and HD's
poor me!
I hate books, especially the Harry ****** series
Delta Force must be great.
anais nin, henry miller, d.h.lawrence, durrell, timothy leary, noah gordon

old stuff but crazy way to write books except gordon. me like it
good choice Sweeetie:)
George Orwell - 1984
Max Frisch - Homo Faber
max frisch in that row is like: i love ACDC, Metallica AND Britney Spears
The journy to the underground
The mysterious island
around the world in 80's days

all by joules verren
H. P. Lovecraft - Call of Cthulhu ( one of the best )
A. Sapkowski - The Witcher ( great too )
A. Ziemianski - Achaja ( dunno if it was translated... ask @ bookshop.. great book - a lot of adventures, sex n rotfl'ing^^ )
J. R. R. Tolkien - Lord of the Rings ( if u havent read it already :P )
C. Paolini - Eragorn ( n1 )
ye i was thinking bout eragon but i can find it translated to czech :P and since i have PDA i want no more paper books :))
Stephen King - Dark Tower series.
Steven Eriksson - A Tale Of the Malazan Book of the Fallen series.
Robert Jordan - Wheel of Time series.
G.R.R. Martin - A Song of Ice & Fire series.

All are kinda fantasy series, like Terry Pratchett, but where Pratchett's tries (or is) funny, they concentrate more on other things like politics etc.
Stephen King > ALL

Robert Jordan > ALL
No way! Did Robert Jordan write also sexual hints? NO! So King won:P
He doesn't have to do that to make good books, so he wins =]]
First read his book before judging them. Thank you.
uhu Mister Rhandi is mad at poor fasolkini?:)
and i do not prefer fantasy:9 sorry
Why would I be mad? I'm just saying something.

And you should, they are damn good books !
Dan Brown - Angels and Devils
Dan Brown - The Da Vinci code

both great
they rly rox :) i've read them like a year ago
Robin L. Graham - Dove ( )

read it 2 days ago, and it was a good book... :)
Stephen King
The green mile
The Shining

And Mister Masterton:
The wells of hell
The Manitou

If you like horror's you would love it:)
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