movie config screenshot

hi crossfire! So this is my movie cfg - image: moviecfg
so i want to ask whati can i change to better view?
just dont make it high-reso in the end kthx
i was thinking about 1280x720 or 640x480 because i dont have enough space :< which resolution is the best after HD?
1. turn blood off
2. if you are going for 1280x720, then use the following:

r_mode -1
r_customwidth 1280
r_customheight 720
cg_fov 106 (106 @ 16:9 = 90 @ 4:3)

do NOT record at 1280x960 and then RESIZE to 1280x720... NEVER resize into a different aspect ratio than what you recorded at.
what about new gunmodels rtcw medpacks and other stuff?
I use everything standard, it's a matter of preference. I prefer standard everything, including fonts. I may modify a shader or texture here and there though.
Last time I used 105 fov for 1280x720 , everyone said i used a bad fov so >:R

"106.270273206" is the exact value.

Anyone saying it was a bad fov is simply an idiot, it's the perfect fov.
oke doke, btw comparing to all these moviecfg pictures on here, my config is really blurry and shitty, I made it myself and it sucks. I guess I could get better quality if someone shared his nice cfg.. You seem to know something about movies, mby you can gimme some nice moviecfg? :\
just because I know a lot about movies doesn't mean I have a nice cfg :)

I can upload it anyway... or at least what I think is my movie cfg.

Quoteseta cl_lastVersionui "ET 2.60b linux-i386 May 8 2006"

must be old :oD

you probably wanna change resolution and shit
btw, 2 pictures, fov 106 and 101.. imo 101 looks much better than 106.. 106 is too curved / compressed, whatever.. no way it's 90 on 4:3.


its a jpeg so the quality is degraded

also should I force z-buffer depth to 24 bits or 16 bits or should I leave it disabled?
I shall quote John Carmack (he did code the engine... so I think he is right :))

QuoteOn a normal 4:3 aspect ratio screen, a 90 degree horizontal field of view gives a 75 degree vertical field of view. If you keep the vertical fov constant and run on a wide screen, you get a 106 degree horizontal fov.

And yeah I wouldn't recommend my cfg, although my Q3 config is nice if you want to start making some of them!
oke. ill use 106 in my next movie. also yeah, i wont be using your movie cfg.. I have one question though - you have r_ignorehwgamma 0. Is that better for movies, aka more contrast between dark corners mby or what?
It's definately better... the specific r_gamma value I end up tweaking a bit, but defiantely ignorehwgamma 0, otherwise it can look bland.

And about fov... it's about what looks best, I was just stating that 106 is equal to 90, and that is fact, if it doesn't look good you don't have to use it :)
seta r_detailtextures "0" Might want to set that to 1.

seta r_ignorehwgamma "0" Might want to set that to 1.
Detailed textures I agree with, (obviously), not too sure about the gamma thing though. I prefer it at 0.
grass could be more green
hmm i take blood because zaigon have it :DDD but muzzle flash hmm its good i think and i thinking too about gun models medpacks from rtcw and other stuff it will be good with this or not?
Is that everything on top GFX?

Btw; what fps u get with that?.
ye i put antialliasing and other stuff hmm dunno i dont have fps on hud :<
16:10 aspect ratio... its a movie (and my screen is that ratio xD)

edit: and maybe take the blood off? not many people like them... otherwise looks nice... can I have it? :D
config you mean?
remove popups + killtext, then it will look rly skilled if u put dignitas names + mystic and butchjie
imo, r_directscale 1.1 ; r_ambientscale 1.1
btw link to grass mod on radar please ;]
ultra private! jk, wait for "pk3" release (must be soon, just finishing a thing + giving a new look to et menus / background)
you mean chalpja mod?
since when is chaplja releasing a mod? :O as far i know, chalpja is releasing a hack, and im editing some stuff in et (u can call it a mod )
kk hack movie master :*
not bad for the beginning
Don't include frags where you just kill someone, they get revived and kill you right back.
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