G5 reboots itself!

If I move my G5 fast enough, it shuts down and comes back to life after a few seconds - just like if you unplug and replug it. I have to use megahighsens now :E How to fix?
it needs a holiday
Turkey or Greece?
i've been to both and i would choose Greece... Turkey has loads of people on mopeds its like depressing
greece is sth like burning.
doubt the mouse likes that
loose wire?
Buy an optical mouse, that's the best thing you can do.
whats your cpu?
ur usb stick is fucked up
u need a new one
im serious
buy another
i had the same with my diamondback, there is no solution, only to buy new mouse..
I got the same problem with my mouse
It resets to 500 dpi I think that it is dpi and then I have the middle sensitivity instead of the lowest but then again the sensitivity is way to low so I need to put it higher.
But when I go to my mouse settings and change it again to 1000 sometimes my mouse works again.
Same here (logitech G5)
Have the same with my mx510, but my pushes all buttons automaticly, so I get kicked for flood and my sens has lowered ;x, I think it has something to do with the cable of the mouse.
i had same with my old copperhead, i tried everything but it didnt work :/ i think you have to buy new one...
I opened mouse up and moved more of the cable inside the mouse. It fixed it!

It must have had a very small tear inside the cable where it had been folded at the end too long. I basically moved the area that was folded to stop it moving.You have to use doublesided tape to replace feet afterwards.
congratulations, you have just voided your warrenty and the chance to get a free replacement g5 absolutely free just for the effort of a customer support phone call. one-nil
no warranty, tried that, i had lost the receipt about 1 1/2 yrs ago. Anyway its been working fine now for 6 months so i dont really care!
you dont need the receipt, just the numbers on the back of the mouse that give your mouse a unique identitiy, once you register for a new one, that number is then invalid and you have to cut the wire and send the mouse :)
bye a new one.
had the same prob with my mx518, gave it back to the shop, hope i'll get a new one soon.
try plugging it into a different usb port. if it doesn't work, yell your ass of at the shopvendor so he/she gives you a new mouse.
no sniper action woops :D
It says +lookdown is an unknown command :( What's wrong
I bought this from my friend :XC
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