
Hi2u community,

Since some weeks ago I have a weird problem with playing movies. Whenever I start playing a movie it has some weird colours in it and stripes etc etc which makes the film look like shit.

I don't have this problem with ALL movies, but like 70/80% of the movies I download have this problem... It doesn't matter which player I use (winamp, wmp, VLC) they all have the same prob...

The weird thing is, when I burn it onto a CD and play it at my friend's computer, the movie works just fine ...


I already tried to re-install some players like WMP or VLC but this doesn't solve the prob...

Thnx in advance

EDIT: After re-installing some codecs and ffdshow, it looks like the problem is solved. Only 1 movie (Die Hard 4) still has the problem, but I'll continue trying :)

Thnx all for your help ;)
It cause that problem by a shit media player, try VLC
edit: too dump and didnt read the line
did u try playing it from CD or DVD?
Yep... Same prob :<

It's just something in my computer which makes these movies f*cked up so hard and I don't know what it is ... Everything works fine on other pc's
hmm dunno, try another player (movieplayer) or just update ur current progs, new codecs n stuff.... :/
k i'll try :)
try win media player classic
same for me.
it looks like if the diffrent color layers like yellow, blue, etc arent over each other like they should be i guess :(
dunno how to solve it, still have the problem...
maybe you can add this to the topic if it is the same problem for you :/
tell me some movies that didnt work for you, i'll look if they work here
happy birthday! Member For: 1 year and 0 days
LOL didn't realise that :D thnx :D

Some movies which have the problem

* The Hills Have Eyes
* Die Hard 4
* The Devil Wears Prada
* Scarface
Quote* The Hills Have Eyes
* Die Hard 4
* The Devil Wears Prada
* Scarface

hmmm well i had that prob too but i dont know how i fixed it :D

Take a look at your video overlay settings

Like for me
image: nvidia

Maybe there's your problem
Looks the same for me ...
codec fuckup

recommend: format
old codecs, install latest ffdshow
reinstall old nvidia drivers
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