new pc !!!

hey all

i wanna buy a new pc =)

so what do my pc must have ?

i mean what is most important for a "gaming-pc" ?

DDR-ram ? graficcard ?

ask socks
ask schmusen
how much money?
for which games?
(ET:QW needs like 800€ to run 'ok')
lol .. im just 16 and i work a lot to buy myself a new pc

i ll have around 600 / maximum 700 euro :/

and i wanna play ET !!!

but maybe i wanna play some other games too in future i dnno
100 fps @ et is easy for like 300€ pc or smth
but for other games u really need lots of money atm, just wait some months then..
my pc costs 260 euros, bought it when it first came, and i got stable 125 on every map and up to 200-300 fps on some places, how come?
what your working that you got 700 euros :o
service ^^

i cant explain in english .. my englishskills suck ^^

hm lemme try :P

i ask people what they want to eat .. then i give them what they chose and so on...
i get just 5 euro every hour but im just 16 years too lol

btw i dont get 700 euro ... my mother will give me 200 euro for pc too so i just have to earn 500 euro

that means 100 hours working :(
waitress in a resturant? :p
uhm ... i think so lol
ET = Singlecore high GHz CPU (2,5-3 GHz)
Other Games = Dualcore CPU with 2-3 GHz

ET dont need rly a Graphiccard,I can easily with my shitty 9200SE (Can get 125 FPS stable).
But if you buy nice graphiccard buy some DirectX 10.0 compatible card.
1-2 GB DDR2 RAM should be enough for everything.
same, i have stable 125 fps and can also up to 300 with my nvidia 5300, but with GW for example it SUCKS
i ll have around 600 / maximum 700 euro :/:

good brand psu ~ 80€
q6600 ~ 250€
2gb ddr2 ~ 90€
asus p5k se (p35) ~ 100€
geforce 8500gt ~ 80€
hdd + dvd burner ~ 100€
case ~ 50€
Who needs a quad core processor? There are no applications that will be able to use it efficiently, waste of money imo.
At least high end 3d modelling programs support it and megui but i wouldnt buy myself q6600
This guy wants a PC for gaming, not for 3D modelling using programs which are worth more than his computer. E6750 is more than enough for gaming imo. ^^
Don't take gf 8500gt! this card is just a crap. Better way will be when you will buy 8600 or 7600 - but this one doesn't support direct 10. like 8600 does:) But if you wanna play in some older games that card will be ehnough and even better than 8600 - coz this card can show how good is only in newest games:) In older version of games is just low- ^^
LIE, 8600 (only the gts version, the gt version is crap) > 7600 in any game!
but 8600 (any version) is better than 8500 (any version) :>
And like he said - he wanna spend on card only 80 euros - gts version is more expensive than just GT! :P if he say - "I have 150 eurof for a card - then I will propose him GTS version:P
8800GTX ;)<3
Quad Core processors are super cheap atm
If i were him I would take Q6700. 2,66GHz is always better than just 2.4
If i was him i would waste it on whores
he he mabye he doesn't need whores to have sex?:D
hes 16 :( girls are crying that yo usexual attack em whe nyou touch em, lol
omg .. xD i can get every girl i want so i can invest my money into my et-career xDDDDDDDDD

med- ftw
q6700 is like the double of the money for some mhz gain.
plus q6600 @ g0 stepping is easy to overclock above 3 ghz :)
if you can do overlock stuff:) i am nob there^^
yep and super useless.
u need good computer :o :XDD
if you want to play ET only then buy realy good CPU, nothing ealse will be better than that
depends on your money
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