Effect program
1 Aug 2007, 23:09
We all know the fantastic Vegas and After Effect, but i wan't to find new effects with another program. Does it exist or only this two usefull for effects/cuts for a movie?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
you failed at being funny
and isnt it possible to edit the pictures with paint before getting them in vdub?(or another prog like that.....) :)
so you just can edit them with photoshop before rendering, which is possible and was already made before in movies
Haven't tried any of them, but medium to large production houses typically use Combustion, Flint, Inferno etc. The big difference to After Effects is, that the software is node-based (instead of layers).
Most of the software is best suited for making 'real' movies for theaters, but could also be used in personal projects. Learning curve might be pretty steep, if you're not familiar with node-based software.