6 free spots for onedaycup

image: test2

Global][Gaming 6vs6 cup #4 "Thursday 2 august"

Irc chan : #Global][Gaming @ Qnet

Sign up @ cupsite: http://xarqi.finduilascreations.be/cup/

- BelgiumGlobal][xarQi (email: [email protected] )
- NetherlandsGlobal][musashi
- NetherlandsGlobal][rose
- Belgium^Snake

Rounds :

round 1 supply @ 13:30 CET
round 2 braundorf_b4 @ 14:15 CET
round 3 radar @ 15:00 CET
round 4 bremen_b1 @ 15:45 CET
Finale ettv

No cheatz0rs : cb/esl banlist
No bug use
side allowed on all maps
Record demoS!

Brackets will be up when all 32 teams are signd up

Clan website : http://www.globalowners.net

Need 6 more clans Go Go Go!
merc avi, pmme here or /q noctiferia
merc avi /q asmogan
merc avi fu i m at work ;<
merc avi /q Puubuu
That Global][Rose guy is Zire. -> Cheating cup admins, oh noes!
Zo triest ventje die zire
Yeah, he's a lil kid. I even find it funnier right now, because when he gets busted this time he'll probably cry even harder than he did the previous time. :Dd
Yes idd :D plzz dont bust me i have fucked reputation :D
I can merc pm me on irc, nick cheasy
#Global][Gaming cup needs 3 more teams (6v6) Page: http://xarqi.finduilascreations.be/cup/
3 mercs needed for something to play with cheasy and me and some random nerd called shooter aka something.
o you need to be dutch
its nurt ffs
you have to BE dutch or you have to be able to SPEAK dutch?
dont know yet.
let me think about it
full anyway
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