Quakecon Conspiracy II

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"Apology" (?) from a quakecon-staff to the urtier-case.
changed also the pic on mainpage
what urtier case?

the edited pic was removed, but scroll down for an explanation .gif
and what rly happened?
the pic with urtier is the true one isnt it?
in the one with the girl, there is a curved floor and ads on the transperent are removed (and the "2006")

edit: i already know the facts
awesome what assholes have power in that organisation
ye, and it was posted on the main qcon site
they should burn in hell

this has nothing to do with the spirit of playing the game as a team...
oh so they photoshopped him out by accident?
black, fat, gay, nigga u know?
So I really dont see the whole point of this BS. Is QCon trying to make a good image for themselves? Who else other than gamers even know theres such a thing called QCon, and who cares that ONE of 6 guys happens to be overweight? Pathetic and pointless. And that there was never a mistake, it was a pre-mediatated move that had some purpose, to improve quakecons image... to a bunch of nerds who dont even care? GG QuakeCon
people use to care about some scandals
mistakes, maybe someone else were deleted?
At first I was mad at it as well, but then if you think about a couple things it makes a bit more sense as to why it might've been done.

Remember on the Awards video where the announcer on stage didn't even know how what the team was called and had to read it of a piece of paper and said "idle.eu" and then some guy on the side corrected him to make him aware it was "idle.ee". It just shows that quite some ppl within the qcon organisation don't know the teams or names or anything about em really, and perhaps this counts especially for the european teams. So imagine this situation. A tech-guy is asked to put past winners on the site "just grab some pics of last years qcon and take the winners of eehm well just take a couple OH and take the pic of those 5v5 et winners as well cuz that was about the only one where ppl were at least a BIT enthousiastic on the pic". The tech-guy goes and finds the images and thinks "hmmm. .5v5ET winners. All the same white shirt and nametags, but eehm who's this guy on the right side? Not having the same shirt, is he just a random in the shot? Hmmm.. Well let's make it more pro and get one of those chicks in there so it's just a pic of two chicks with the 5v5 et winners"...

I think this is more likely to have happened than to deliberately shopping urtier out cuz of his looks.
Sounds plausible, but I'm not sure how much better it is if they did it out of ignorance.
Hhmm dunno, you can't really expect everyone in an organisation to know each and every team around the world. I for one know shit about american teams. It's not very professional though ;-)
Urtier was quakecon winner not some random American noob.
r u kidding me?
What I mean that they shouldn't manipulate photos from previous events at all, at least not unless they explicitly say that it has been edited.

It doesn't matter if they don't know who he is, the fact is that he was there on the stage. Removing him from the picture for whatever ignorant reason still makes them liars. :)
true. Like I said, it's not very professional ;)
I wanna know why they ONLY took urtier out, they all look pretty retarded to me
Where's your pic of being Mr e-Universe?
Relax, he's a moron.
Says the person who comes on here and tries to show off to gamers by posting really long, "intelligent" and "thought provoking" journals because no-one will listen to him in real life

Ps I'm most likely better qualified, educated and at a better Uni than you, so moron might not be the right word to insult me

Is that the Uni that has the best "Become an asshole" program?
Are you quoting yourself? I don't remember me, or anyone besides you, ever using those words to describe my posts.

Better educated? Maybe. More intelligent, most likely not. You seemed to lack the necessary faculties to understand my post and education, and the conscious function to realise the purpose of my "Make things cheaper" example.

I wonder what your definition of education is. Are you well versed in philosophy? In language? In biology? In chemistry? In physics? In history? In art? In politics? To hazard a guess, I would think that you hold only an auxillary understanding of these subjects; that you dropped them as soon as you moved onto your fantastic, yet narrow, university education.

To put it mildly, you are not well educated, you are simply well trained. A monkey with a textbook would rival you for expertise.
"I don't remember me, or anyone besides you, ever using those words to describe my posts. " .. Err that's kinda my point .. its because they aren't intelligent and though provoking

Try Natural sciences, (Mathematics with Ancient Greek in my case), arguably the least narrow course - Greek covers philosophy, history, art, language, politics, literature etc

What are you doing which is so special then? Or are you just bitter about failing to flourish in the ridiculously easy education system we have?

Do you intentionally ignore the point of my posts to annoy me, or do you have a penchant for building straw men? You called them intelligent and thought provoking, and even if you were doing so to mock, it implies that you atleast thought they were intended to be so. Read into that what you will.

Again, you missed my point. I don't care what you're studying, that doesn't matter anywhere outside of your CV. You can quite easily learn something without knowing it, or know it without having went to university and recieved a piece of paper.

Education, is only as easy as you make it.
It doesn't take a genius to work out you're feigning intelligence when you clearly have no idea about the subject you're taking about, when I do

Oh I think I get it, so you're saying that being taught and tutored by some of the leading proffessors in their fields isn't as worthwhile as whatever it is that you're doing?

Its interesting that you chose to pussyfoot your way around my question : "What ARE you doing which is so special then?" - I think I might take your advice and read into THAT what I will too.
I have no idea what I'm talking about? I'm not sure if that's unintended irony, a rather inmprobable typo or simply stupidity, but either way it's rather amusing.

I'm saying that, if you require a professor to make you learn, perhaps you're not as intelligent as you proclaim.

Read into it what you will, but I doubt very much you'll come to the right conclusion.
Yes that's precisely what I'm saying, you don't know a thing about macroeconomic theory, and you proved that in another journal you were waffling on in

Ok so NOW you're too intelligent for uni, sock doens't NEED to be taught, he just knows everything .. right

You still haven't explained what you're doing with your life which is so much better or more intelligent than doing a challenging degree at a top Uni, why keep dodging the question, or is your secret path to unbounded intelligence a secret?

To me it seems like you weren't satisfied with the options you had to further your education Didn't get into uni? Didn't get offers for the course you're interested in? No university can cope with your huge brain? Portfolio of xfire journals don't count as submitted written work in applications? And you're now bitterly blaming it on the system, keep telling yourself you're too good for an education. Maybe if you're lucky you'll end up like Ronner in 10 years time

No doubt I'll get you all flustered again in another few weeks, assuming you haven't been headhunted to work for N.A.S.A

Until then,

I didn't need to know about economic theory to say what I had to say. My point was that, if you make goods cheaper to the point where the difference between 10,000 a year and 1,000,000 a year become negligible, with regards to what you can buy, then you rid the wealth of their advantage: notice the if, and if you had bothered to understand my post, you'd have realised the point of the example - reductio ad absurdum.

You should go into the scare crow making business. I never implied that one should simply "know" things, only that a professor is not required to learn anything - If you're intelligent and motivated enough, you can learn any subject without the help of a university: we have this thing called a library, and this other thing called the internet.

I was rejected from all the unis I applied to, and I wouldn't have gotten the grades anyway. I was going to study Computer Sciences.
Heh, I was only kidding, was trying to bait some fanboys into defending their Idles (eheh)

If my comment actually upset them, then I think they have more serious issues to worry about in life than a xfire journal comment


ps. I'm fucking gorgeous, I'll send you some pics later if you want
If you think that trying to provoke some online ppl into defending others by insulting them then it is you who has issues to worry about imo. Strange form of humor you have.
Hang on, I log on here like once a month and ruffle a few feathers for a giggle, while you patrol the journals night and day like some fucking hero, defending the "weak" with your super-serious attitude, when you're in your 30s, but I'm the one with issues? Yeah actually I think you're right there, I give in.


ps. Yeah sorry, your humour is far superior:

"Is that the Uni that has the best "Become an asshole" program?"
- Genius.
It's far less worrying for someone of 30 to be patrolling internet forums, than it is for someone of our age to acting like such a fool in the same fashion.

I suppose you think I am reffering only to you, when I talk of a fool, but the truth is I often find occasion to lower myself to your level, in order that you might understand.
Whatever you say dude, at least I dont feel the stupid need to call ppl retards based on how they look.
cuz he was the only one he didn't wear a dignitas shirt
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