Copperhead Settings

Hi to everybody..
Is there anybody who use the Razer Copperhead mouse?
I just bought one and i'm trying to find the best settings i can and i need some feedback and suggestions.

Tell us what pad, dpi, sens & stuff you use :)

im hetero np
My clothes are always retro
Sexual like I'm hetero
And I play a bitch like nintendo

rennie G
hahah mica jeweet jeweet :D
lol ik kwam gister ardje tegen bij de trein en ik liep zo met me pa dus ik zo
ja pa en er loopt iemand voor ons met een kutkop
huhu kutrenzo
Razer exactmat
1600 dpi
0.73 sens

Vertical slider = 1.5
Horizontal slider = 10

Scroll up = m_pitch 0.2
scoll down = m_pitch 0.022

but ... just try to search for your own settings tbh :/
why the pitch scrolls?
cheap aimbot ;)
but m_pitch 0.2 is like crazy speed
QuoteVertical slider = 1.5

If I use normal settings 0.022, i can't move my mouse up or down. I can but just very slow.
ok have no idea what is it :p
steelpad, 1600, 1,0

after 2 month my happiness was over with this lovely mouse.. brokien usb. so gl&hf
yes me was since i got my new mouse, but it seems the new one didnt like me too... 1month old and sometimes plug in plug out (same prob with copperhead) :/
pplz <3 mouse

mouse </3 pplz

you destiny was to be a sad panda
It sucks on qpad, reacting like a random white logitech mouse.
I have polling rate 1000(max)
DPI switcher 400(min)
i had it, but it broke down, and I got a g5 instead :)

and my settings WERE something like dpi = 400, x = 10 y = 7, and others I can't remember :D
i heard lot of ppl complaining that the razer's mouses don't last long..
is it true then?
yes, google for it. there r some ppl with probs with this mouse. friend of mine, had it brokes 4 times, he always bought it again, after 5times broken, he changed the mouse. :) me had same...
well, mine lasted about 6 months... and yes, they don't USUALLY last very long, ofcourse some do :) And the Razer company has (afaik) admitted that the cord of the copperhead is fucked up, and they had FOR EXAMPLE told that the cord of the deathadder is fixed, so that could tell something :)
copperhead + razer exactmat
dpi 800
Hz 500
sensitivity options; 6
ET sens; 1.6
buy deathadder.
You should have bought Razer Deathadder its the best mouse ive tried.

And if you have real lowsense like me, the copperhead is kinda useless :P

deathadder is made for lowsensz0rzzz
copperhead for highsenz0rzz
copperhead + Steelpad 5L
dpi: 400
window sens: 6/11
ET sens: 1.5
r_mode 6
fov 90
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