Why does ET need Mangers? [all languages allowed]

Seriously why does a ET team need a manager? aren't they like the most useless person around here ( expect me ). But seriously why someone wants to be a manager? Because he never reached anything or never play on a decent level i mean cool everyone knows you as n00b. Look for example wayne he is evolve manager ok he get them into evolve, junk52 etc. but for what does the team needs him anymore? They couldnt have asked by theirself if they can join evolve? so to all managers you also add achievements from your team to yours?

SHOUTOUT TO m!das <3

we just talked about managers yesterday night ET'S MOST USELESS


i know for a team its cool to have a james (thats for sure) but plz .. i mean get in managers position you are their sklave i mean how stupid can someone be to be a manager. And for why does eVo plays Impact manager? look i got mystic on my buddylist lols ima fuckin hero!1
managers rule the world
because its cool
help get sponsors, teams, manage the team, schdule wars & arrange the team
im expecting you juNkq, dont let me down.

+ you are so wrong on the managment part.
wel eVo manager of impact played few times with his clan. And he was the one who get them together etc
sponsors, mgc, new players, organising stuff in cups lans etc...
most highskill0rrrs are to lazy for that imo...
told us schmusen... :>
geh schlafen nub
if you need a professional manager, let me know, Ill get you the bestest sponsors
that made me smile :p
well junky u have achived nothing in et, u can do that then.
what you achieved so far? won the quakecon or cdc? ever got many for playing? or just won random cups like me. [german]glashaus[/german]

btw geheime quellen berichteten du hast xxxxxx
well your words were that not mine.

edit: and im sure i have achieved things u will never reach in your whole et "career" , ec f.e.
stfu junky
Recent Comments
stfu junky
lold at junky's yawn,he made all his red warnings disapp...
junky ahaha joke again ! you well known busted so u be...

u seen to like me
nice engrish
christolo's english .. so you failed moron.
Who said it was pointed to you?
because you always try to...
hackers are most useless not managers
getting asked > asking
and u are a noob so stfu urself
can i become manager of beta? plz!!!
inactiv clans are the best to manage !!!!
inactiv cuz there aint any cups skillwise where they would have any challenge.. i can arrange some pro highz cups with 100,000,000$ too, nP
Well go ahead oganizeeee !!!!
buy a good pc and play etqw
i do have, and i do play it, whats your pvt chan?
i think there are usefull managers and useless managers.....all depending on skills nd input :)
usefull for the team you are playing the james for, yes
to what other causes should and can a manager be usefull to then other than the team?...thats the whole idea of a manager
you didnt get it, i mean why they play the manager what do they achieve by doing this? they wont get money, they wont have fun (like you have ingame), they wont ... etc. .. they just need to work their ass off for some fucking hiliarious nerds like dignitas guys i mean please if RELOAd says go organize a server i would say shut you uglyhole you ugly bitch you received money for beeing on qcon you fucktard go and buy your own server.
Well if i look at whats in it for me... I just like to socialise with my buddies and help them out in any way i can. Besides that i see it as a personal project and i can combine my own graphic/web design and at the same time make the team happy with banners and websites.

And ofcourse i just like to be the boss and bitch ppl around :p
need "SLIMFAST" banner
go get a manager then :p
with this attitude there wouldn't be any admins and consequently no cups either and et would finally be dead...
I dare to say evo is everything but impact's slave and he prolly doesn't care too much about having mystic on his buddylist. He is a great manager and can be proud of what he achieved (more than you will ever achieve). ppl like him bring esports forward. Maybe one day you will understand.
but i didn't expect you to do so anyway so np.
djeez man...relax :p
Glaubst du mir im Reallife würdest du nicht mal irgendwas sagen sondern nur mit dem gesenkten Kopf in der Ecke stehen weil du ein Geek bist. Brauchst net replyn mich carets relativ wenig was du Vierauge zu melden hast. Deine Eltern hätten lieber spazieren gehen sollen.
Ist ja auch kein Wunder bei nem Gangster wie dir.
An sich könnt ich Geek als Beleidigung auffassen, aber wenns von dir kommt kann ichs ertragen.
Wobei dieses Reply grad von mir ja nicht mal ein wirkliches Flame oder sonstwas war sondern nur meine ganz normale Meinung.

Wenn jeder der was für die Community (oder gar sein Team) tut sich als Sklave betrachten würde (man selbst hat keinen Fun, nur das Team etc), dann würde es auch keinen mehr geben der sich bereiterklären würde Admin zu machen, das Game und eSports an sich wäre mit einer solchen Einstellung am Ende.
Es gibt Leute die etwas für die Community tun wollen, ob dies nun an mangelndem Skill liegt oder daran, dass sie zeitlich (RL und stuff) nicht mehr genug Zeit haben, jeden Tag zu trainen sei dahingestellt.
<3 schnukki
hab dich auch lieb <3
wie nice du dich artikulieren kannst
except me :)
It's pro
i give u a serious argument:
a manager should avoid letting guys like u join their teams
a manager also could stop me from putting my cock in your mama's mouth, uglit
yeh, his mum is cheating on his dad 8[
i think they all did and still do a great job. u can ask all players who have a managment they all are happy to have them and they dont want to miss it.. since they organize all stuff, like a mummy....
yeah im not saying its bad for the team to have a manager. but manager always play the kings and suck in every game, because they never were good enough to play at this level by theirselves.
nah not true... i guess they love the game, but they havent or dont want to spend all their freetime for a game but to do smth for this game, they gonna be manager.. and some of them can also play this game. u cant say they suck, maybe they r not high but mid doesnt mean they suck...
true but tbh managers need to spend more time than just playing. and what do they receive for doing this? its not even fun to be manager of some ugly geeks. what you wanna talk with them? i mean talk with dignitas guys about girls (expect night he might have fucked yet) but the rest ... kot aswell he is polish its not that expensive in poland but seriously what they got to tell ya? i made a triple kill dude? WOW I FUCKIN CARE...
hmm maybe prestige, fun??! ask them...
some ppl doing their job because they lovin it..
XD really funny guy :)

if u really want a answer.. ask the manager of dignitas.

i could imagine they do it, for getting famous.
they cant get famous while playing for a highskilled clan, because they dont have skill(?!), so they try it with managing a highskilled clan.
the result is: everybody here knows the name of the manager of dignitas (i dont, but im not active :P) thats what he want(?)

asslickin' to get known.
i dunno too :DXDDD
Atleast they dont cheat :=)
I just love guys like you, who think i cheat :XD. Ask twinz i showed him my hax yesterday
You cheated, that is enough :=)
btw noname who are you
I am not going to tell you, or I wouldnt be a noname anymore :=(
eVo owns impact gaming
I think a manager is somebody who loves to organise things, he loves to see what he is able to do. He tries to get the best sponsors for his team, he does it for the fun, not to be the slave of the team. I think eVo can be very proud of what he achieved with being a manager of impact. But whenever I see a manager getting a server and a ventrilo server and some bnc's for his team, I think he should be proud to, it's a free game & sponsors aren't willing to give away everything.

But that's just my opinion..
help get sponsors, teams, manage the team, schdule wars & arrange the team that do a manager for his team. without a guy doing all this shitty work the players can't pracc so much. omfg mein englisch ist mal so was von scheiße XD
you sound like managers are the most important persons on zeh w0R|d zomg.without a manager you arent able to play 6on6? :DDD sorry to all managers then, didnt knew that :(
no they aren't the most important people on the world but they are important because the do somthing for the game without playing. shoutcasters, amdins ,news posters they all don't play @ the pro lvl but they do something for the game @ a diffrent way
Why do people always assume that when someone does something outside of actually playing the game (shoutcasting, managing, adminning and writing coverage that kind of thing), that they must be bad? Most of the famous ET admins are actually good at the game as well, Donex, adacore, kajab, lake, toxic, bullvox, overdrive and me ofc!!

Managers in ET I guess wouldn't do all that much, but some managers say for example bds (SK Gaming), he codes and runs the website, helps run SK as a organisation on a daily basis (his full time job), sorting travel to lans for the multiple players and squads, working with sponsors and doing pr etc. He also does alot for the g7 as well. Not to forget that he personally joined as a world class cs player to start with as well, just goes to show that what you say just isn't true.

image: crewtee2

image: crewtee1

Just goes to show, what people outside of actually playing the game can achieve!
if i were you i wouldnt print it on adidas shirt looks shitty
SK has adidas as a sponsor, and we also have other things like hoodies etc that people can buy as well :P


omfg over 5000 users active on the page atm lol nais :>
but tbh this tshirts look real shit..
In comparison to say football shirts etc, yeah we might have a way to go. But in comparison to the majority of most mgc's stuff, sk is pushing forward.
Glad you said donex! and not the more obvious one ^_^
As you can see how dignitas managers fight for their team.

qcon urtier (all i need to say)
<3 Frop
he pmd qcon admins yet?
I wanted to, but you killed my drive.
It's OK, it was about time somebody put us with both feet on the ground. It was fun while it lasted though.
well sol is deleting half of my posts anyways so maybe it will just be deleted aswell :) and you get it wrong. i just wanted to know you play for other ppl the james. what do you receive expect @#dignitas
Quote by junky i mean talk with dignitas guys about girls (expect night he might have fucked yet) but the rest ... kot aswell he is polish its not that expensive in poland but seriously what they got to tell ya? i made a triple kill dude? WOW I FUCKIN CARE...

you have fucked yet?
I want you to rob my flower!
image: wub gayboy, only if urtier will be there aswell :-)
That's what I used to think before but having going to lan with evo managing it I can tell it's definitely a really good thing for the team if there's a guy doing the managing stuff for you.
Arrgh. Like i said for the team its cool to have manager (because you dont need to oragnize anything by your own) but why is somebody willing to make manager? What does he receive for beeing your manager ;c
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