Why does ET need Mangers? [all languages allowed]
3 Aug 2007, 13:03
Seriously why does a ET team need a manager? aren't they like the most useless person around here ( expect me ). But seriously why someone wants to be a manager? Because he never reached anything or never play on a decent level i mean cool everyone knows you as n00b. Look for example wayne he is evolve manager ok he get them into evolve, junk52 etc. but for what does the team needs him anymore? They couldnt have asked by theirself if they can join evolve? so to all managers you also add achievements from your team to yours?
SHOUTOUT TO m!das <3
we just talked about managers yesterday night ET'S MOST USELESS
i know for a team its cool to have a james (thats for sure) but plz .. i mean get in managers position you are their sklave i mean how stupid can someone be to be a manager. And for why does eVo plays Impact manager? look i got mystic on my buddylist lols ima fuckin hero!1
SHOUTOUT TO m!das <3
we just talked about managers yesterday night ET'S MOST USELESS
i know for a team its cool to have a james (thats for sure) but plz .. i mean get in managers position you are their sklave i mean how stupid can someone be to be a manager. And for why does eVo plays Impact manager? look i got mystic on my buddylist lols ima fuckin hero!1
+ you are so wrong on the managment part.
most highskill0rrrs are to lazy for that imo...
btw geheime quellen berichteten du hast xxxxxx
edit: and im sure i have achieved things u will never reach in your whole et "career" , ec f.e.
stfu junky
lold at junky's yawn,he made all his red warnings disapp...
junky ahaha joke again ! you well known busted so u be...
u seen to like me
and u are a noob so stfu urself
And ofcourse i just like to be the boss and bitch ppl around :p
I dare to say evo is everything but impact's slave and he prolly doesn't care too much about having mystic on his buddylist. He is a great manager and can be proud of what he achieved (more than you will ever achieve). ppl like him bring esports forward. Maybe one day you will understand.
but i didn't expect you to do so anyway so np.
An sich könnt ich Geek als Beleidigung auffassen, aber wenns von dir kommt kann ichs ertragen.
Wobei dieses Reply grad von mir ja nicht mal ein wirkliches Flame oder sonstwas war sondern nur meine ganz normale Meinung.
Wenn jeder der was für die Community (oder gar sein Team) tut sich als Sklave betrachten würde (man selbst hat keinen Fun, nur das Team etc), dann würde es auch keinen mehr geben der sich bereiterklären würde Admin zu machen, das Game und eSports an sich wäre mit einer solchen Einstellung am Ende.
Es gibt Leute die etwas für die Community tun wollen, ob dies nun an mangelndem Skill liegt oder daran, dass sie zeitlich (RL und stuff) nicht mehr genug Zeit haben, jeden Tag zu trainen sei dahingestellt.
a manager should avoid letting guys like u join their teams
some ppl doing their job because they lovin it..
if u really want a answer.. ask the manager of dignitas.
i could imagine they do it, for getting famous.
they cant get famous while playing for a highskilled clan, because they dont have skill(?!), so they try it with managing a highskilled clan.
the result is: everybody here knows the name of the manager of dignitas (i dont, but im not active :P) thats what he want(?)
asslickin' to get known.
But that's just my opinion..
Managers in ET I guess wouldn't do all that much, but some managers say for example bds (SK Gaming), he codes and runs the website, helps run SK as a organisation on a daily basis (his full time job), sorting travel to lans for the multiple players and squads, working with sponsors and doing pr etc. He also does alot for the g7 as well. Not to forget that he personally joined as a world class cs player to start with as well, just goes to show that what you say just isn't true.
Just goes to show, what people outside of actually playing the game can achieve!
qcon urtier (all i need to say)
you have fucked yet?