Masta Of Da humm3L Hood

what about humm3l mafia?:D

The humm3L Story

When I read Crossfire today, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Daniel “humm3L” M. was banned from the ET Cup for behavioural flaws (or to be more precise: for being an admin abusing ass). Clearly humm3L being banned from a cup was one of the signs of the apocalypse. While I was hoping for the end times to arrive and prepared myself to be guided to heaven by the returning Jesus, it hit me (Jesus didn’t come, by the way. I always knew the bible was fake.) - heaven was not the place I wanted to be.

To come back to my original point, there were quite a few funny incidents recently that in some way involved Daniel and his compadres. Notably the first amazing thing was that fireBall and humm3L went seperate ways. One could say that it was rumoured that those two were secretly having a love affair with steaming hot sessions of massaging each other’s balls while owning the Telenet servers - but that would be unfair, replace “rumoured” with “a fact” and “Telenet” with “random noob pub” and you get a more accurate picture. However, when it became apparent that fireBall and humm3L used to drop the soap for each other, if you get what I’m trying to say, they decided to split up for a while. My guess is that their love story is going to end like Brokeback Mountain (I haven’t seen that movie, but I’m sure it fits.) and that they will make the public announcement at the next Crossfire Prizefight Challenge.

What I stumbled across next was some extensive German log on Crossfire (read this and be ashamed of your flawed work there, Crossfire admins) which after a quick Babelfish translation revealed that humm3L was going to show up at a German LAN called Enlarged with his Russian friends, that fireBall would support him with a gang of child molesters and that rumba would beat him up while being “auf koks” (Can anyone help me with this? Babelfish didn’t really provide a proper translation here.). I’m sure you’ve all heard of the head butt keran received in Enschede. That was a first sign of Fatih “fireBall” Lastname dealing with his childhood experience of living in a mud hut in Eastern Germany. When they freed him, all they gave him was a computer with ET installed. Now he’s running around beating up people. Well done.

I don’t exactly know where I’m going with this, I’ve kind of lost the structure I’ve never had for this thing. Well, at least let’s all laugh at humm3L for being banned:


What an idiot.
u do realise that other ppl have access to the site aswell? and that this is quite old.
and u r one godfather of this mafia?
Welcome to May 21, 2007.
yeah...i saw! ema!
easy ba$!
omg can someone write this text in easy vocabs so i can understand? :(

hmm...gibt 3ig nit vi3l...naja...ich li3b3 m3in3 fri3ndz üb3rall3s...ihr s3id di3 g3ilsten...KFC UERDING3N 4-3v3r

that is so may 21 :D
“auf koks” I’m ’t “fireBall”

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