3o3 teamplay

i noticed that lately in 3o3 praccs there is mostly one tax : 1 wh , 1 aimbot , 1 backrape/obj . Are there less cheaters in 6o6 now ?
wtf? all go multi hax, where the hell you took this wierd tax Oo
U2 - All Because of You
true :=)
don't care about ET tbh, u can't stop those nasty cheaters anyway :S
<s0me> dont pm me never again
<s0me> dfoxes-alexL
<dfoxes-alexL> :DDDDDD
<s0me> get walls texture
<s0me> then we can play
<dfoxes-alexL> hahhahahha
<dfoxes-alexL> leaver :DDDDDDDDDDD
tbh 2on2's have even more cheaters in it...
Isn't it a... whine?
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