
My head really really fucking hurts. I woke up this morning, wearing someone else's shirt and somehow, I had my socks and shoes still on but no trousers and as far as I can see, it's impossible to take your trousers off with the shoes first.

Crazy night though, one of my friends claims he has pictures of the strippers in the titty bar, thrusting their middle regions in my face. The claims seem like a hoax to me but we shall see. He was as pissed as me so I highly doubt they will be good quality.

If I can make out a nipple or a decent bit of areola, i'll post on here!
image: willy2

Don't fuck with me, i'll boot yer cunt in pal!
Bob Marley - I don't like Reggae, I love it
does your ass hurt too
Only when your mother sticks her finger in it.
It hurts that often? : <
She has fat fingers. >:-(
it was just a ?, dont get all mad. shit like this hapens jou get drunk and jour so called frends butt fuck you.
its clear that jou cant remember, anything could have hapened.
when someone says "my friends buttfucked me" it doesnt always mean it literally.
Quoteit doesnt always mean it literally.

That sentence implies that sometimes, it does. ;D
yup, but when it does, you dont tell about it.
Did you once find a used condom hanging out your bum, with the sentence "Pedro was here!" written on your bum-cheeks in black pen?

If so, I've no idea who that was, it was just a hunch. ;-)
oh it was.. err, no, I never noticed such stuff.
I wasn't mad, I was merely jesting with you my good man! I don't know if it hurts to be honest, the pain in my head is overwealming the rest of my sensual functions.
lol xd
im just bored and making silly comments
and jour journal whas like a cool breez on a hot summer day
This pleases me!
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