quakecon pic

I think it's very rude that people photoshoped that pic
I still don't know what was the reason but
it's VERY RETARDED and RUDE that people are
making fun of him cause he is fat etc.
Sorry to say that, but some crossfire users are really retarded.
I feel sorry for you, get a life.
Those who can't respect others and their feelings they'll fail in life.

Enjoy the evening and have fun! :)

shoutouts to all the coolest people I know.. Love you all <3

Edit: To all those who can't read I didn't say that crossfire did it,
but it was rude. I said that it isn't good to make fun from someone.
Welcome to 2 days ago.
It wasn't the xfire ppl who photoshopped it lol
He never sayd that
he wrote it that way
i guess we all know we're retarded.
did i miss something?
to be honest urtier could probably sue them for that...
for what? what are damages? :p
in america you can sue everybody for everything
u missed me ofc !!!
Welcome back , EINSTEIN.

Quakecon did it . ¬_¬
QuoteSorry to say that, but some crossfire users are really retarded.

apparently, yes.
Haha, that hurts
Urtier <3
good now time will go back !
QuoteSorry to say that, but some crossfire users are really retarded.

so you state obvious things without any link to your topic?
read comments, that's enough. don't talk to me I'm tired. :P
i still didnt see it. can some1 say me what was to see in it?
what is this about ??, cause i was on my holiday ^^
search for quakecon conspiracy
captain obvious
dobro jutro pijanice
oh hi, how's your aids?
ask ur gf she might know it

image: 12329_Copy%20of%2008072007521
she is not my gf and I don't stick my penis in everything what walks.
bla bla bla u pretty much suck ballz kiddo
could be. browm hairy onces
I'm sure urtier will appreciate you for treating him like a charity case.
oky! tnx for q3 cfg <33
Fat people are retarded and societies should target them so that other people see what happends when you dont control your own body and eat unhealthy.

I've no respect for Urtier he doesnt even respect his own body he has to work on his weight and start eating healthy food - no one will respect me and help me if i pay tax for all those overweighted people who live a lazy life!

Work Urtier stop being a fat boy
sarcasm detector
It's unhealty for yourself - It's not good for your children and other people around you who you should help - You will get in to medical care in the future when you get a little older and hard working people have to pay for it .. etc.
noes , he's talkin to joo
who cares.. ?u should get a life too my friend =)
what has that to do with me? I have a nice life. :)
Good point and good point on the photo-editer - ban obisetas people from public life please.
omgomg no i dont know and i dont wanna know! should i?
the guy that's called hacker in u|k in less than 5 mins !
you are something special!
nice to see u back in business
i think i shouldnt
ok we should stop :D
trve ;)
get a life
i already did that :DDDD
spiele schon nen jahr kein et mehr aktiv :P so what ? meine rl skills sind der wahnsinn ;) what about uuu?


hab jetzt erst deinen journal gesehen :( kehrst dich aber net ganz dem rl zu oder? ab und zu mal reingucken? so wie ich? <3
ich bin so besoffen immer wenn ich hier rein guck :P

oder halt richtig breir so wie jetzt :D:D.d.d.D.s.
the manipulated photo was 30% funny, 70% sad


i mean it


i do
who cares
you should get a life if you care that much....

<3 urtier
hi rakiraki, what's up?
10x for shoutout sparkz
np mate <3
get a life
on ze floor ! and yours?
that's cool. off to ET and than sleep cos tommorow i need to go pick up warthog @ airport
hf with a guy [ u = a ] in your apartment!
hmm a bottle of coke? would do gr8 i guess
will do
how is it in your virtual life, mr virtual life?
hehe lets play a 1o1 et
havent played for weeks actually
only 1 3o3 wit u :<
my life left me some minutes ago, i have enough time now : DDDddd
yes iam
but im max 2/7 @my pc
sry. :(
I was maybe too much evil k3k3k3
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