
is actually pretty good


maybe too many questions though... its kinda like LOST except... more sci-fi...
Over a month to it start again ... oO
fuck I thought you were talking about heroes of might and magic =( be more specific PLZ
Which one? HoMM3 > all!
The difference between Heroes and Lost being the writers of Heroes actually know the answers to the questions. They don't just invent stuff because they like the question then think of the answer later...
Well it still has quite a few of cliché TV moments in there that I've come to a severe disliking after watching Joss Whedon's work. (Firefly<3), but still I get your point.

It does seem a lot more thought out than LOST, but I think LOST has... I dunno I just prefer it...

However heroes does have the "geek" charachter greatness...

image: 20070328
Firefly was awesomeness. But it makes me want to kill everyone who ever had anything to do with programming on Fox. How can you cancel a show like that mid season with no bloody notice?!? It's criminal! I mean - all those incredibly interesting character plotlines which were just starting up - Serenity was good and all, but did nothing about half the minor loose ends (the most interesting of which was Book's history).
Yeah... I think the "I don't give half a hump if you're innocent or not, so where does that put you?" from Objects In Space will have had a big part of it.

I think the movie is what Joss intended Season 2 to be, except very condensed, very rushed. You can see there is so much more that wants to be explained but it just isnt there, and Joss just had to stick to the main parts.
QuoteSerenity was good and all

Thanks meight!
best show EVER! <3 hiro!
Got sucky towards the end of the series. Papa Bear Bennett is the only interesting character on the show.

Still, at least it's better than Prison Break.

Lost on the other hand, is between 10 and 20 times better than Heroes.
didnt they say there will be some summer specials of heroes ? still waiting...
Season 2, Episode 1: Four Months Later
Original Air Date: 24 September 2007
yeah i know but i read somewhere they will make some summer specials where they concentrate on the things happened before the heroes series like hiros father and all that stuff :(
They're making a series of six episodes of "Heroes: Origins", focussing on that sort of stuff, I think. It's due to be shown over the winter though, not the summer, I believe.
best episode?
i could have told you this 2 months ago!
it's awesome
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