Lets try this again..

Well im in the process of making a frag movie, ( just for fun and to learn a bit ^^), well, i have a problem with sony vegas and codecs.

Now, In virtual DuB i used xVid codec and i also tested the x264 codec, but i cant seem to get the .avi file into Sony Vegas. However, i can get the clips in vegas uncompressed, but thats no good for me as ive only got 20 gb space on my HDD left, and its currently about 1.3gb a clip :/

Ive tried dragging and dropping from screenshot folder, copy and pasting and importing,

any suggestions?

(repost, since the last time i never got any decent answers )
Seriously, fuck off. I want serious answers this time :/
Forum then , nab =x

Journal , serious answers ? Lol , sheep shaging cunt :X
Very wise behaviour
Hes french.
oh sorry what is your nick?
I don't know any -.- (i don't know any rebellion either)
rebell1on is teh hax.

I'm noname noskill .

Idle #net-clan @ qnet np4us
then the next time u need help, dont post it on crossfire

go to www.thecarefactory.com
he's my m8 , i'm joking with him lol.

+ I'm just telling him to post @ forums
use It's A Wrap an huffyuv codec, should save alot HDD and its nice quality

rebellion tard
yea, I already use it's a wrap, ill need to search for the huffyuv codec though. Thanks for the answer, ill tell you if it works or not ;)
<insert your serious answer here>
erm, typo. I CAN get them in uncompressed xD
uncompressed video must be so big, get more hd space
1 get larger hd, they're not that expensive
2 i allways keep them uncompressed with VDub then compress em with vegas
How big of a hd would you suggest?
hmm 160 would be enough i think depends if you wanna make a high def movie or so:D i'd say the best would be 320 but 160 is enough.

with that i mean 160 for the whole fragmovie
so 1 hdd for all the other stuff on your computer and one for moviemaking and that kind of stuff.
kk, thanks for your replies.

I might buy a bigger hd around christmas time, cause atm i need money for my holidays ;(
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