omfg wtf bbq

QuoteMonday, August 6, 2007

Associated Press

Four young people, including three students at Delaware State University, were shot in the head from close range in a weed-filled lot behind an elementary school, killing all but one, authorities said Sunday.

Three of the victims, two males and a female, were shot to death execution style around 11:30 p.m. Saturday on steps behind Mount Vernon School in the city's Vailsburg section, said Paula Dow, Essex County Prosecutor.

The fourth, a female, was found alive near bleachers about 30 feet away with a gunshot wound and knife wounds to her head, Dow said.

The dead victims were identified as Ofemi Hightower, and two men, Terrance Aeriel and Deshawn Harvey, said Paul Loriquet, a spokesman for the prosecutor's office who did not know their ages. Aeriel's 19-year-old sister, Natasha, was in fair condition at University Hospital in Newark Sunday night, he said.

A motive for the attack has not been determined and no suspects have been identified, Dow said. Some of the victims' belongings had been stolen, she said.

All of the victims were friends from Newark who had gone to the school to hang out and listen to music, Dow said.

"They were good kids," she said, adding that none have had any brushes with the law. Three of them had student identification cards from Delaware State University.

Carlos Holmes, a spokesman for the Dover, Del., university, said the Aeriels and Harvey were all active students. Terrance Aeriel was an incoming freshman who was taking summer courses; his sister and Harvey were to be juniors, Holmes said.

Harvey was also a student worker in the school's administration building, Holmes said.

"He was expected to come back this week and work," he said.

Prosecutor Dow also reported a fourth homicide in the city Sunday morning, also in the Vailsburg section. Detectives believe the shooting death of Quintez Waller on Smith Street might related to a shooting earlier in the night up the block.

Wtf's up with this retarded world ;o
Even though none of them had brushes with the law, it doesn't automatically mean they're "good kids". Anyone who gets shot in the head execution style has prolly made a few wrong turns along the way.
idd, unlikely they got stabbed for no reason

and i've rarely heard people say in this kind of situation "oh he's the kind of kid who was always in trouble.." either :<
People don't like ascribing blame to other people, even when they're the one who commit the crime: we don't like to believe that violence can be truely random, because that puts it outside of our control.

Oh, and people really don't like to think anyone who isn't poor ever has sex, takes drugs or is anything but perfect. It would also kind of suck to hear your kids been shot in the head, then see them called a reprobate in the news the next day.
QuoteIt would also kind of suck to hear your kids been shot in the head, then see them called a reprobate in the news the next day.

hah true :X
*Wtf's up with retarded americans ;o
You have that many people, a portion of them are bound to be idiots. Now Ireland, that I can't explain.
hah its sock! the wanker who thinks he's funneh on internetz! you rule man! have my babies!!!!!!
Oh, snap, you've got me there, describing me then mocking me with praise, maybe you're the one who is the funneh!
Ya got me.. shooks.. guess ill go cry or something?
You could always go eat some potatos or find that pot of gold you've been hiding.
OMG pot of gold how original and not old at all! who writes this stuff for you!? hook me up with his number or somethin! Pathetic m8 your one ugly cunt aswell lol

Haircuts dear in england?

image: sockemohairql2
omg, another male careing about other male's looks, rly, get life (ps, this dude isn't ugly, check my profile, I'm ugly, not him)
how hardcore metal of you.
Not really, but I suppose intelligence and wit are pretty scarce in Ireland.

image: sock1nj5
And you base your wild ramblings on what exactly?! lol.


image: gimphi8

anyways emo your boring me with your pathetic slaggins so gl hf fo <3
You call me ugly, and yet you still want me as your gimp. I don't know whether to be flattered or confused.

Yeah, you're not much of a challenge.
Conclusion - FPS games must be banned
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