FEAR Multiplayer

image: opening_deadatc01

Anyone ever played it ?

Up for a game now?
Btw , sup with the Coop warfare , I've seen no servers with it :V

And what's the difference between Slowmo mods and normal mods ?

pm-me for a game np4us
no! too big!
dont worry , be happy now
the diffrent is the slowmod is slower tha nthe normal mode
Hi einstein , did you ever play it ? :<
Slowmod is playing the whole game in slowmotion ( like in the singleplayer slowmotion) Normal Mod is just at normal speed.
I had it, but didnt like it.
I heard Winghaven is very good at it.
wing ? Who ?

noname-noskill , np4him :P
he won ec or don't remember wich competition :o
Bought the game and tried the multi was a bit too rambo for me, the free mp mod is the same than the retail one ?
I have played fear combat and imo its pretty good game :p
even that i didnt know which side i was :D
dont rly like the game...
it is so slow... and i already would prefer a faster ET...
but et has got the ability to jump and move quite fast...
but fear is for slowbies
FEAR is fast enough if you holster your gun when you run (and the small indoor maps make it seem really fast when it isn't anyway).

I really enjoyed playing FEAR when the free MP game was released (which was some time ago now) but there were never very many players and it's pretty dead now afaik.
die spammer
I've played it a few times and it's very nice, but nobody wanted to play with me in the 2on2/3on3 team so I gave up :P
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