A little movie quality test
7 Aug 2007, 15:39
Hey guys, my moviemaker is already working on the entire movie. But i got a little Testtrailer here and i just want to hear your oppinion about the Quality.
you can get it here
Thanks in advance <3
you can get it here
Thanks in advance <3
edit: i find the morta scene is to long imo
but the editing sucks ass imo :|
edit: could be a bit brighter imo
oh and are you proud about a morta kill ? :S
edit: the camera(free cam) turns to fast
the lil lazy tubby
all in all it sucks :X
but the frags are great ^^
that sentance just kills all the motivation he had, if he reads it that is.
but iam still talking with him about how to fix the things. :)
cam - 2/10
quality 6/10
edit 1/10
music 5/10
bad resolution
resolution sucks... it has black line at the top bottom left and right... thats just stupid
not the more important things :(
edit: bad cfg, bad quality, bad aspect ratio, ugly cam, no sync, boring mortar part
nice 9/10