new guid wtf

hi there, i have a strange prob with my etpro guid, i dunno why but it's changed to smth like THAT
& my old etpro guid - here
well, i didn't change any hardware and stuff so my question is wtf is going on ?:P
someone please post some solution to get back my old guid :), thx

random pic:

image: Kid_n_play

edit: after hours spend before monitor i've found the reason why my guid has changed, and for all you 'hamchi guys' - it wasn't hamachi ! some days ago i've got my bluetooth usb device so i decided to install all the drivers and stuff to have free internet via bt in my mobile, well.. that's add a new connection so my guid has changed too :P, i uninstalled all that bt trash and now i've got my old guid back:) anyway thx for help all you guys :P , bb
house party !
guidspoof your old guid =)
guess whos back
ask scorch
Have you used hamachi? It may change your etpro guid as i did when i wanted new guid :XD
Explain this plox!?!
let me installed hamachi...

just disable the network of hamachi and thats it
nice selfbust
ban plz
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