Tony Jaa > Bruce Lee

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Well, he's just amazing, just take a look at the last kick/jump :')

<3 ong bak
its all fake you know that :(
It's not fake, he's just not a martial artist, only gymnast/stunt man :)
you are right, the fight with those ppl is not FAKE !
i like his movies
you already knew, it's kinda old, very old? great movies anyways. :->
Didn't clicked it, but i had to write a comment because i'm bored.
I'd kick his ass, izi bash
Ong Bak is fucking dire, and yes I've seen it and I have it on dvd. Martial arts in movies should be beautiful not a gruesome crowd pleaser like it was in that movie. I mean a selling point for a movie shouldn't be "he does his own stunts". Whine!
tony jaa = muay thai
muay thai ftw hands of blood
Well i'll give it to him. He is good. But better than Bruce?

There is more to martial arts than just pretty kicks and punches and awesome looking stunts.
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