online poker :o

Any1 knows a nice website where i can play poker for fun?

everest poker
party poker
but web-poker?? without a prog to install? i need that too @ work...
I got Party Poker. It's ok :)
CDpoker so you can play with ziff the one and only pokermaster

Make the Quiz and you get 50$ for Partypoker or Titanpoker and can play for 100$ additional. I have been registered there too, you can even pay the 50$ directly out.

And you learn more about poker. Lets try it:
if you register please say, you where recruitet by me. (use my pokerstrategy nickname : aven =) )

to underline the seriousity: it is a sponsor of clanbase ;) and ex starcraft player k0rn and horror playing for them poker!
no you cant pay it out directly ... first you have to play a lot of hands with it
no, just getu up to 60$ and then cash out per mail, i did it. i works, what you are saying is at tgpoker and vcpoker, where you have to play about 2000 raked hands
partypoker is the best one for fun (btw pacific poker is nice too)

cdpoker & poker time & titan poker are best for freerolls

all the rest is pretty real money focussed the best :p , takes a while to DL
poker without real money = senseless
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