quake 3 prob;(

So .X.! is annoying me all the time to play cpma, so ive installed everything, pak0.pk3, mappack full, quake3. so when i start cpma, i can do everything like play single player and stuff. As soon as i connect to a multiplayer server, it says: Awaiting gamestate... so thats fine, but after 5 secs i just get back to my main cpma-menu and nothing has happened;(

mayb u guys know whats wrong? ive reinstalled everything and such:(`

edit: cpma version: cpma/osp 1.41 (04 may 07) beta
many servers arent up to date, most of them still run 1.40 version
well.. my friend X has done the same thing with same installs but works fine:( even when i join the server he is on
CPMA is backward compatible.
i still needed to download z-cpma-pak140.pk3 and autodownload was turned off so i had the same kind of problem as him.
i guess you need cpma 1.43?
zakuga nis van???!??!?"#!?
because im sick
just download cpma 1.43, still same prob;(
do you have patch 1.32 and 1.32c?
do u get into the game? Or its just done, done, done,done and u go back to cpma-menu?
i get into game, then i open console and put ip init, it says, awaiting gamestate, so im waiting to come into the server, and then i just get back to my main menu in cpma with setup options and shit:)
maybe u dont have the map :<
how is his name spelled? strangest name ever :|
put download on its fixed then
wasnt it off* ? 8|
omg dont play cpma. OSP FTW!
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