1daycup 9 august

Global][Gaming 3vs3 cup 8 "9 august"

Irc chan : "Global][Gaming @ Qnet

Cupsite : http://xarqi.finduilascreations.be/cup/index.php?tourney[id]=6&action=signup

-Global][xarQi (email: [email protected] )

Rounds :

round 1 braundorf_b4 @ 13:30 CET
round 2 adlernest @ 14:15 CET
round 3 supply @ 15:00 CET

Finale ettv

No cheatz0rs : cb/esl banlist
No bug use
side allowed on all maps
Record demo´s!

Brackets will be up when all 16 teams are signd up

Clan website : http://www.globalowners.net
Ich bin pro !
Ich bin laden !
Ich bin sHiZo !
Ich bin dein vater Luke !
stop doing cups so early, its rly fucked. Childs only!!11
what this man said
any skilled mercs avi?

message me ;)
irc channel ?
Merc avi msg me
no ugly banner this time?
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