why q3 is better than q4?

i see more and more q3 players, so i want to know why old version is better than new version?

cmpa work only on q3? you need to install it on the game? and whats the difference between regular q3 and q3 cmpa?
q3 = ownage game play, no need for a good pc, all in all a really fun game

q4 = q3 with much better graphics which make it lag

my opinion
Q4 was not ment to be multiplayer game unlike Q3.

Q4 is now a days much like vq3 but better graphics, but there are still many differents. (no direct input etc etc)
ah ok cool
the difference between regular q3 and cpma is the same as etmain and etpro
just with bigger influence on physics gameplay, adjustment settings and everything else :>
apart from th emovement in q3 arena sucks compared to cpma
bestest movement ever <3
he asked for the difference between cpma and baseq3 not cpm and vq3
well sorry for being a retard
just try it out you'll see the diffrence!
cpma if for q3 similar to q4max for q4
i like both games but q3 is far better
the movement between cpma and regular q3 is completely different
cpma is faster blablabla

q4 is a nice game with those mods like xbattle n stuff
if they would have released quake4 like it is now it would have been better then quake3. but that "mod battle" between q4max and xbattle made q4 dieing fast
isnt this little struggle comparable to cpma and osp?
no, because osp and cpma are both from orange smoothie productions

and as far as i remember werent they released at the same time
No, not both are from osp. They've worked together and I think arQon worked on both mods.
same coders
When Quake 3 was alive there was no competition between cpm and OSP all tourneys used OSP because its better.
Well I belive cpm have improve since also ! Some friends of mine played osp earlier and disliked everything that was cpm, but find it quite okej today.
and its easier :Xx
q3 engine > d3 engine
cpma > all
q3 is a pure mp game with a great engine
thx u all folks <3
q3 is free
Because crouch-sliding is retarded.
q3 cpm:
netcode is great whether u have 0 or 100 ping
weapons feel so nice
movement feels smooth, lots of tricks to master and very fast gameplay... but can be slowed down making the game different every time u play
no timer - adds more excitement
more fun to watch


q3 vq3:
everything q4 has + more except lacks crouch sliding which is a lovely feature and makes vq3 very slow... but is favoured by many players over cpma as its easier to learn and obviously was chosen for cpl :)

a mix of vq3 and cpm q3 with crouch sliding which is great and stops slow gameplay
but weapons feel sluggish
only fun with <20 ping where its good!
>20ping = boring
ie. basically a lan game 2 fully enjoy it (:

but saying this... if your a beginner

hardest: q3 cpm - q4 - q3 vq3 :easiest to learn in that order :)
dukim ahi
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