
yeah, yeah, I made cookies!!!

image: img2217jj5

yummie! :)
can i has one? :D
is it christmas already? :D
lies, u bought them
they sell the same like 100 meters of my home in "Delvita"
i make pizza now, wish me luck its good
gl :), I have pizza today too :)
New York pizza is the best ;D
show me your cookies! :D
thx for making me hungry
you like them?:D
I see dead ppl :~>
show me your cookies and i can say what kind of person you are :>
sry jewish cookies made from gold :~>
Omg the evil smiley is back :>
chuck norris is here

Chuck Norris played Russian Roulete with a fully loaded gun and won

Chuck Norris can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night

It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes

Chuck Norris once performed a one-man show version of the Mortal Kombat movie

One bite from Chuck Norris contains enough venom to drown a Blue Whale

Chuck Norris Is the derivative of the universe. But if you try and integrate him, all you will get is the true name of god

Chuck Norris taught Alanis Morissette the meaning of irony by making her eat Dave Coulier

Chuck Norris was the one who let the dogs out

Chuck Norris has beaten everyone in Hollywood at Uno

When Chuck Norris runs with scissors, other people get hurt
me wants a cookie :<
=( jealous
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