Get a life !! ;/

for all the people who are sitting 24/7 in front of a monitor and thinking: omg im so f*ck*ng pro by pressing some buttons;]

Get a Life gddmd!

there is more future in a social life in real-life then a social-virtually life on a computer ;/;/;/
Who told you that bullshit?
i thought the same
if you think its bullshit ; walk outside and you'll think:

OMG!!! im landed in a new kinda world :O
no it's your garden Henk!
"OMG!!! im landed in a new kinda world :O"

You defenatly need to take your own advice serious.
Who told you that bullshit?

omg im so fawck|ng pro by pressing some buttons at the same time
what about bill gates?
Who are you? Go away!
It's a trap, don't listen to him!!!
I almost got owned by the trap!
agree !

et < RL
for me its easy to go away!
for those who sit the whole day after a PC... no escape possible, only at dinner maybe
OMG, I know the feeling, when all of your friends are at the door and you're just pooning those noobs to hard at ET, then you think: I'm too good for ET and I just go outside, it's refreshing!
what r u doing here ?
Quote by mr_cool_im_a_gangsta_and _u_r_some_non_lifersfor all the people who are sitting 24/7 in front of a monitor and thinking: omg im so f*ck*ng pro by pressing some buttons;]

dont u press on some buttons and think u r cool too?
Quote by mr_cool_im_a_gangsta_and _u_r_some_non_lifersthere is more future in a social life in real-life then a social-virtually life on a computer ;/;/;/

orly ? u r my hero <3 ._.'
Lemme guess, you just got owned by a random guy on a random game ?
whaha, lol.
You really can see, how has no sociale life. out here;)

Guy, it's Mike ;p
yeah, but those other guys aren't (why the fuck am I talking english, with my dutch mates:S:S)
Because you have to! Or else you would get banned =o[
en is dat zo erg dan??
Ja, xfire is mun levuh.
omg:|:| jij bent er ook al een:O:O (jij gaat vanaaf mee socialezen;))
Did you just get owned hard by some lows and is that the reason you just made this journal?
i think youre right :>
WoW another pretty usefull journal
life is for noobs.
My guess is
his mom told him to keep his fucking hands of the pc for a week.
And he didnt want to tell us that
my guess is
your mom fucked with an arab and the only thing you could do was going back to your PC and cry like: OMG i though that things only happend on my FANTASTIC games...

poor guys thinking that moving with a mouse would be the same as moving a gun?
MY question to you is. Why do you react ike this did your dad just shoot your mom causing these frustations?
And if rl owns a pc wtf are you doing here replying to ppl?
sitting here maybe a few hours a week is to see how many ppl are to weak to commit there addicted!
what if I like to be in front of a monitor 24-7?
because he's trying to help, guys like you;)
what if we dont need help?
because you will die, just as all the others.
only with your PC:O:O

and if you do has we tell you to do. you will die with a wife;)
Soo why you reply?
feeling attracted ?
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