Busts @ ESL Summercup


Zomg Joining a cup with player which all got yawn Busts... FOOLS
i would...
... and then i made ET and i tought i put it in the internets
then they told me i was an alien too and me didnt knew this so i was like very shocked and told
"watafack nigger? are you telling serious shit to me?"
and then like , there was the fire fox from firefox with fire running like a fox (in fire , like a firefox) , and he was like : ITS VERY GOOD MEAL , YOU MUST EAT IT and then Germany loekino was like : OoOoOoOOO IZ VERY GOOD and then fire fox said : hihihihi i haes bunnies.

and then he jumps in fire and die
like your love island which is full of Netherlands aids
can i come to your Japan love island and watch some Switzerland porn?
So fuckin' nice!
my Poland heart is Anonymous broken
you make me go Finland emo

I'm gonna Italy cry

France Sex plz ?
my parents not want.

Btw i think we're spamming
oki master , you teachs me?
u make me very sadpanda now
like KISS members
i do , naijz
you know what ?
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