Girls are lying when they say...

image: 61gc3

thats the worst spam i ever received -.-
let's all share our spam!
idd you dont satisfy us anymore. Your not the same since the ban :p
no need for those pills
your a liar :p
i dont want to take away the self-confidence of some boys
Why is it always the boys fault?
Why is it never the girl who is to tight/not tight enough(Dont know the word :D)?
well i dont think its their fault, its noones fault imo.. but both can do much to make all working fine, when one of both would had "a small prob"
LOL i got that 1 on myspace once
i rly dont need
loekino read the text about 3 times i guess :))))
jaja im ready to fly. my plane will start in 20minutes. ;)
lol had to read that 3 times :)

write a book and put me in the credits for this nice spam to come up with <3
its true my dick is now over 1 meters :( and still goin
warst du letztens mal im knast oder woher hast du solche weisheiten mein freund?
double size ^_- i dont wanna have a 60cm penis
"Wer ist n der jenke?"
hey doctor, lets make a team. having an answer for almost every prob...
hangover here as well. not feeling good atm :/
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