et problemos

I installed my new mouse and drivers....
When i connect to a ETPRO server my screen goes black and ET shuts down
Thats like your 2103980398480938409th mouse this year? :<
thats why he called mAus !
It's because you touch yourself at night !
Continue worshipping Hitler.
ThAt'S nOT G0oD?
format uwe pc misch is ne keer
comment deleter:(((
search in google for the support page of your mouse and download the newest drivers
I installed my new mouse and drivers....
yes the driver packet which was delivered with the mouse but usually you are gonna find better drivers in the internetz..
like thatzors
welke mAus>
reinstall ET?
waaaaauw :O
oh noes.. what a day...
but u played today allrdy or not? so not that bad or did u find a solution??
i played this morning ... i went to shop, install mouse and bam
ahahah, it is a sign !
deinstall your hax...

fragarea 3 - 2 min 14 sec - aimbot

ban plz, thx... its not possible for a human to aim like THIS!
It's not possible for a human to see that it was fastened by the moviemaker.
imo is das aimbot, ohne Zweifel, eine Verschnellerung des Fragmovies konnte ich nicht erkennen. Daher frage ich mich wieso dieser Frag nicht als avi von jemanden kommt und stattdessen in ein Fragmovie eingebaut wird -.-
du regst dich über andere leute auf, die dich als cheater bezeichnen, aber bezeichnest jeden andren "auch" als cheater. schon lustig...
schon mal geschaut was der macht? alter, das seh ich nur bei nen aimbot, und der is dann noch ned mal auf humanized gstellt! schau dir die szene doch an!
what kind of hacks do you use? there is no way a person with your IQ is able to communicate
yes, you certainly are
Maybe a prob between ET, your gfx card drivers and your mouse drivers? Just guessing though ;-)
which mouse u buy?
I feel sad for you, try to reinstall mouse & video -drivers
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