decent cdc3 teams

So what's your list?

mine's :
United Kingdom dignitas
United Kingdom Tlr
Europe FF
Germany hx
Germany aux
Belgium finest
Netherlands kreaturen
Netherlands art
Italy nice
Europe srp (if signup is real)
Europe <[o]>
Europe k1ck

Are there other clans with decent potential? I don't know all and i'd like to know.

Europe eVocati !
aim on head might surprise
legend is a good clan .. but r they at cdc ?
k legend sux !
lol at that war.gif in your profile , i go sleep now bb
some of those aren't so decent potential

United Kingdom Dignitas
Europe TLR
Poland FF
Germany hx
Netherlands Kreaturen
Europe SRP

The only teams with some potential at the LAN (Poland FF's potential is depending on Wiesieks participation though). So after all still a couple of decent teams who should make this LAN almost as interesting as last one, or the first.
and snot ofc
Snot rules ;-p

But if Wiesiek ain't playing for FF it's gonna be really difficult for them to be a threat to a top-3 position.
tlr dignitas finest & kreaturen are the only worthy clans imo

Btw : rhand u are a retard ;) cu @ cpc
I will see you!
U saw me @ FOM =]
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo true

u were the curly one we talked shit at ;)
It was my impression u didn't say anyting at all =]
those little sticks with the fluffy things on the end , rly are for cleaning your ears , they are not dwarv-sized dildos as u might think

anyways i'm not going to cpc , so cu next fom
Oho, zo grappig.

Ik heb u uwen bek geen ene keer horen opetrekken. Volgende keer als ge me wilt beledigen, komt dan naar mijn pc'ke en denkt nie dak u hoor als ge achter uw eige pc'ke stoer zit te doen.

Acid, diene had ne groten bek tegen Bartichello en 1 keer riep em ook iet naar mij, voor de rest heb ik niemand van ellie clubke gehoord.

En Finest gaa toch naar CDC 3?
kzal de volgende keer me ne megafoon klappen oke ? :)

ik ga nimer mee me finest , fun is eraf ;)
helix?! Oo
we need to prac a fucking lot with art :P!
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