Need a pic!

I need that pic of numbers pi and i lying on the beach, pi says 'get real' and i answers bliblablub. Please help ze poor guy! :D
try to remember them all and then say xD again
sjef wiskundenerd
wat ik ken ze niet !:P
I dont understand that "be rational" "get real" thing..
Pi can never be rational

and the I or something can never get real
something to the ² isn't possible ?
(dunno if you had anything like that in school, but here you go :P)
It is, but not all equations are solvable (at least with real numbers, which is what is usually used in school).

f.e.: Let's say you're searching for a solution (in this case the root) of the equation
x² - 1 = 0
Obviously the answer is:
<=> x² = 1 <=> x = ±1
(You have two roots. One at -1 and one at +1)

But what about
x² + 1 = 0 ?
The answer would be:
<=> x² = -1 <=> x = ± sqrt(-1)
But sqrt(-1) doesn't exist in the real numbers. That's why "i" was introduced (and the complex numbers), the imaginary unit, with i² = -1.
It doesn't really exist, hence the name, but without it you wouldn't be able to make any calculations in electrical engineering. I don't know if you'll learn any of this in school, in Germany we don't, I've needed to learn it at university.
wtf, math geeks.
go get an education out of that.
What are you trying to say?
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